
University of Michigan Club Swim Team

Founded in 2015, SWAM was created to meet the demand of over 45,000 students at the University of Michigan. The club swimming team provides a structured training environment along with social activities and intercollegiate competition. SWAM is open to any students who are not members of the Varsity team and are looking to be a part of club swimming.

In less than two years since the program was started, SWAM has quickly become a thriving student-lead club. With over 100 participants, the club is actively looking for ways to enhance their team’s student opportunities. “We try to capture kids coming out of high school who can’t swim at the Varsity level, but still want a structured environment for workouts and social opportunities to enjoy the water” – Andrew Westphal SWAM Co-President and Founder.

The team does not have a coach, or a coordinator. SWAM was founded and has grown entirely through the work of students. It is truly an organization that is by students, for students and it’s clear that among the group there is a common passion for swimming.

“Everyone can get what they want out of club swimming, some students like competing, and other students are looking for more social opportunities to get involved.” – Elizabeth Wilkins, SWAM Co-President

The club extends beyond the pool, offering social activities that include BBQs and an annual semi-formal along with regular meetups with team members. If you’d like to learn more about getting involved, please contact us and we’ll put you in touch with SWAM!

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