
30-Minute Shoulder Health Dryland Workout for Swimmers

Swimming is a great, full-body workout. It builds muscle, improves your cardiovascular strength, and even helps your brain! Those benefits are incredible, but if you aren’t careful, you can wear out your shoulders in the pool, causing overuse injuries in your rotator cuff. Some injuries require physical therapy treatment, while others may need surgery to fully heal. 

Related: 15 Low Impact Dryland Exercises for Swimmers

To help you get stronger and prevent shoulder injuries in the first place, we programmed this 30-minute shoulder health workout. Follow along for a series of shoulder strengthening moves and stretches to keep your body healthy and enhance muscle engagement in the pool!

Related: 15 Resistance Band Dryland Exercises for Swimmers

Try this workout — or build your own shoulder health workout in the MySwimPro app — 2-3 times per week to keep your shoulders in top shape! For more dryland training workouts and tips, check out our YouTube channel

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