
How Swimming Reduces Anxiety & Stress

When you’re super stressed or anxious, working out is probably the last thing you want to do. But what if we told you that going for a swim when you’re feeling overwhelmed can actually help you feel better? 

Yep, that’s right! Even a short swim can help combat symptoms of stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling calmer and ready to take on the rest of your day. Let’s take a look at what causes anxiety and stress, symptoms to look out for, and how to incorporate swimming into your self care routine to boost your mental health.

What Causes Anxiety & Stress?

Everyone gets anxious or stressed at some point or another. The cause of these feelings can vary:

Related: How Alcohol Impacts Swimming Performance

When you’re anxious or stressed, you may experience a wide range of symptoms:

10 Ways Swimming Reduces Stress & Anxiety

In general, moving your body can help combat anxiety and stress. But swimming takes it to a whole new level! Let’s dive into the mental and physical benefits of spending time in the water. 

Related: What Happens to Your Body When You Swim

  1. Releases Endorphins: Endorphins are hormones that are released when your body feels pain or stress. They help to increase positivity and bring about a sense of wellbeing and happiness. If you’ve ever experienced a runner’s high, you were feeling these endorphins! The same thing happens when you swim.
  2. Reduces Physical Stress: Swimming is one of the best low impact forms of exercise. Even a short dip in the water can take stress off your joints and make you feel better. 
  3. Escape From the World: When you swim, you have to disconnect from your phone and from the world, which can be a welcome break from any social stress or anxiety you may be experiencing.
  4. It’s Affordable: At its core, swimming is a pretty affordable fitness activity, which can help relieve financial stress. Most cities offer affordable pool access, and if you have a swimsuit you’re good to go!
  5. Choose Your Level of Commitment: You can be as engaged as you want when you swim…swim laps mindlessly or focus on your stroke technique, breathing, etc. Both have their benefits!
  6. Meditative Stroke: Many people find the repetitive motion of strokes and swimming back and forth very meditative.
  7. Breath Training: Swimming encourages a rhythmic, consistent breath, which can help calm anxiety.
  8. Improves Sleep: Swimming tires out your body and calms the mind, which can help you sleep better. A good night’s sleep allows your brain to rest and sets you up for a positive day.
  9. Builds Confidence: After completing a workout, you’ll feel accomplished and over time, you’ll notice improved self esteem and confidence both on and off the pool deck.
  10. All You Need is a Quick Swim: You don’t have to swim a lot to get these benefits. 5-10 minutes is perfect! If you’re busy, making time for a short dip a few times a week is more manageable than trying to fit in a long workout. Start small!

Pro Tips to Reduce Stress & Anxiety With Swimming

Sometimes, the thought of adding another item to your to-do list seems overwhelming. Try these tips to find joy in your swimming routine and stick to your new habit!

Try This Meditative Swim Workout

Try this 2,500-meter swim workout for a relaxing, meditative swim that can help calm your mind and relieve anxiety. For more personalized swim workouts like this one, plus Training Plans, Technique Videos and more, download the MySwimPro app!


Main Set (2x)

Cool Down

Has swimming helped you overcome mental health challenges? Share your experience in the comments! 

Start your swimming journey today with the MySwimPro app! Try a personalized workout or start a Training Plan, commit to a routine and experience the benefits for yourself!

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