
A Beginner’s Guide To Strength Training For Swimmers

There are a number of great reasons swimmers should hit the weight room – even if your goal may not be to build arms like the Incredible Hulk. Strength training can improve swimming performance, body awareness, and keep things fresh!

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Gaining strength also helps prevent injury. “You’ll increase bone density and strengthen the tendons and ligaments, so not only are you simply able to lift more weight, but you’re also building resistance to injury,” explains Michael Boyle, a strength and conditioning coach and functional training expert in Boston.

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What is the Best Form of Strength Training?

What’s the best form of strength training? Realistically, it’s the one you will actually do on a consistent schedule! Find a program that suits you, whether it is with a personal trainer or a group that realizes the uniqueness of a swimmer. Moreover, if you are lifting weights, you need to have proper form and progressions.

Strength training is most effective when swimmers progress steadily from fundamental movements to more challenging exercises. It is important to remember that each swimmer has a different baseline level of strength and coordination. Use progressions to improve your strength, athleticism, and overall performance.

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Circuit Routines V.S. Traditional Strength Training

Each opportunity is accompanied with responsibility. Don’t just go jump into any silly strength-training program without understanding the basics first!

In a circuit routine, you’ll do each exercise in succession without a break in between (if you’re able). Once you’ve finished all exercises in the circuit, you do it again. If you’re doing this type of workout routine, it’s easy to get fatigued quickly. It’s better to stop and take a break than to do an exercise incorrectly.

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Below is a simple circuit of 6 exercises. These are typically done for time or number of repetitions.

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In the more traditional strength style workout, you complete one set of an exercise and then rest, and then another set of the same exercise, and so on.

3 x 10 Squats would look like this:

So, which one is better? If your main goal is to just increase overall strength, then a circuit style workout will be slightly more beneficial. If you’re looking to gain significant muscle mass you’ll need to follow the more traditional strength style workout.

Related: 10 Swiss Ball Dryland Exercises for Swimmers

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Additional Tips:

Related: 15 Low Impact Dryland Exercises for Swimmers

Also, remember to start slow! If you can only perform bodyweight exercises, that is great. You will still get all the benefits listed above. Take responsibility for your strength training, and pick a safe, realistic program! The dryland training plans in the MySwimPro app are a great place to start:

Swimmer Strength dryland plan

Ready to get started? Download the MySwimPro app and start your free trial of ELITE COACH to begin your personalized swimming and dryland training plan.

Good luck and swim strong!

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