
Try This 30-Minute Strength Training Workout for Swimmers

This post is sponsored by FitBiomics! They formulated Nella probiotics to optimize digestion, sleep, energy and recovery. Use code MYSWIMPRO25 to save 25% on your order through December 31, 2023!

We hate to break it to you, but if you want to swim fast, you have to do more than just swim! The best swimmers in the world do strength training in the gym, often called dryland training, to build strength and power and prevent injuries. 

Read on for our tips to structure your own dryland training, plus a 30-minute full-body dryland workout to try!

Which Strength Exercises Are Best for Swimmers?

When it comes to building full-body strength for swimming, we recommend focusing on compound movements. These types of exercises work multiple muscle groups at once, rather than isolating an individual muscle. When you focus on compound movements, you’ll get a more efficient, well-rounded workout.

Related: The 5 Biggest Dryland Mistakes Swimmers Make

Squats, deadlifts, push-ups, lunges, rows, dips and shoulder presses are all great compound movements that will recruit a variety of muscles in one go. This is just the tip of the iceberg…there are tons of great compound movements out there!

Isolation exercises like bicep curls aren’t bad, but they shouldn’t be the main focus of your strength programming if swimming performance is your goal. 

How to Structure a Dryland Workout

A good dryland workout is made up of three things:

How Often Should Swimmers Do Dryland Training?

To experience maximum strength gains, you need to train more than once per week. Think about it: You wouldn’t expect to swim faster if you only swam once per week!

We recommend adding strength training to your routine 2-3 times per week. Some people enjoy doing full-body workouts each time they hit the gym, while others might alternate pushing exercises one day with pulling exercises on the other day. It’s up to you!

If you’re new to dryland training, start with just 15-20 minutes each session. As you get stronger, you can increase your volume and intensity.

Full-Body Strength Workout for Swimmers

Give this 30-minute workout a shot to build full-body strength and increase your power in the pool. This workout consists of six exercises, with various options to choose from based on your fitness level and equipment access. Watch the video above for a full breakdown of this workout and form cues for each exercise.

To increase the intensity of this workout, choose a more advanced variation of each exercise, or add more reps, rounds or weight. To decrease the intensity, modify exercises as needed, decrease weight, or reduce rounds and reps. Whatever option you choose, you’ll get a great workout!

Warmup (20 reps of each exercise):

Main Set

Aim to complete four sets of 10 reps for each exercise, resting 30-60 seconds between each set. If possible, try to increase the intensity or weight from one round to the next, finishing at your best effort on the fourth set!

1. Burpees (4×10)

2. Flutter Kick Plank (4×10 each leg)

3. Pull-ups (4×10)

4. Box Jumps (4×10)

5. Bench Press or Push-ups (4×10)

6. Squats

Injury Prevention: External Rotations (3×10 each side)

Many swimmers struggle with shoulder issues, so we’ll finish this workout with some rotator cuff work! The goal here is to keep your elbow tucked in tight to your side to make sure your rotator cuff is doing all the work. Think slow and controlled!

Cool Down: Static Stretches

After the hard work is done, it’s time to cool down! Hold each of these stretches for 30-60 seconds each to help your muscles recover. Don’t forget to breathe!

Want more workouts like this one? Try our 25-minute medicine ball workout.

Post-Workout Nutrition

If you want to achieve optimal results in the pool or in the gym, don’t neglect your nutrition! Refuel your body with enough protein, carbs, fats and water to give it the nutrients it needs to repair your muscles and replenish your body’s energy stores. Check out our interview with a registered dietitian for tips to fuel your body appropriately.

In addition to a healthy diet, taking a supplement like Nella probiotics can help support your gut health and give you the edge you need to perform your best. 

Nella is made from a patented lactobacillus probiotic strain isolated from the world’s fittest and healthiest people. It supports your body’s current needs, whether you struggle with digestive issues or not! 

Nella has been found to improve sleep and nutrient absorption, boost energy and support the immune system, all of which are important for good swimming performance! When your gut is healthy, you’ll feel better both physically and mentally. Use code MYSWIMPRO25 for 25% off your Nella order through December 31, 2023

Ready to start your fitness journey? Download the MySwimPro app and get a complete, personalized Training Plan that includes both swim workouts and dryland sessions.

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