
Do These 5 Stretches to Swim Faster & Avoid Injuries

This post is sponsored by Airofit! Use the Airofit Breathing Trainer to increase your breath control and accessible lung capacity. Save 15% on your order with code MySwimPro! Shop now >

If you don’t stretch regularly, it’s time to start! Consistent stretching can help you reduce injuries, improve your posture and boost recovery after your swim workouts. Plus, it just feels good! 

To help you build your mobility routine, we’re sharing our top tips, including when to stretch, when to do dynamic vs. static stretches, and our favorite five stretches for swimmers specifically.

Why Swimmers Should Stretch

Whether you swim or not, stretching is a good addition to your routine for overall health and longevity. But for those of us who hit the pool regularly, stretching helps:

When to Stretch

Related: How to Warm Up for a Swim Workout | 10-Minute Guided Warmup

There are two distinct types of stretching: Dynamic and static. Here’s when to do each one for optimal results:

For more guidance on stretching, check out the MySwimPro app! Our Dryland Training Plans include dynamic warmups and cool downs in every workout to ensure you’re getting what your body needs to perform and avoid injuries.

Stretching Tips

Related: 34 Stretches for Swimmers

Before we dive into our favorite stretches, keep these tips in mind to make the most out of your static stretching sessions.

Try These 5 Stretches for Swimmers

These stretches are just the tip of the iceberg…for more stretches and guided routines designed for swimmers, check out the MySwimPro app!

1. Hip Flexor Stretch

This stretch opens up the front of your legs to help relieve tightness after lots of kicking (or sitting at a desk, if you work a lot!). As you stretch, think about tucking the pelvis under for a deeper stretch. For even more. try reaching your arm overhead or leaning to the side to intensify the stretch.

2. Downward Dog

This foundational yoga pose is a great, full-body stretch. It opens up the entire back of your body, but especially the hamstrings and calves. It’s also great for the shoulders!

Think about engaging your core while you hold downward dog, and bend your knees if you are feeling the stretch too much in your lower back. Your heels don’t have to touch the ground, either. Try to avoid shrugging your shoulders up to your ears. Keep the neck long!

3. Lying Twist

The lying twist is a fan favorite. This stretch opens up the spine and chest for better rotation in the water, loosens up the shoulders and stretches the lower back. 

When doing this stretch, try to keep both shoulders down on the ground to intensify the stretch. If your knees don’t twist all the way to the ground, don’t worry…you’re still getting all the benefits!

4. Child’s Pose

Another classic yoga posture, child’s pose is a relaxing stretch that’s great for the lower body. When you add this stretch to your routine, you’re mobilizing your hips, lower back and shoulders.

Start with your toes together and spread your knees as wide as is comfortable. Try to get your butt to your heels, but it’s ok if it doesn’t quite touch. Rest your head on the ground & avoid shrugging your shoulders up to your ears.

For a little extra, walk your arms over to the right and left to stretch out your lats!

5. Standing Streamline

If you struggle to get into proper streamline position in the water, try practicing on land! The streamline stretch will help improve your shoulder mobility. For an extra balance challenge, rise up onto your tiptoes while you hold your streamline!

Bonus: Mobilize Your Ribs for Better Breath Control

You may not think of breathing as a stretching activity, but it is, to some extent. There are small intercostal muscles between your ribs, and when they’re tight your accessible lung capacity is reduced. To mobilize your intercostal muscles and improve your breath control in the pool, check out the Airofit Breathing Trainer

Train with Airofit just 5-10 minutes per day to improve your breath efficiency, anaerobic threshold and accessible lung capacity so you can hold your breath longer off the walls and work harder in races. 

Try the swimming-specific training programs in the Airofit Sport app, and watch your breath control skyrocket! After just four weeks of training with Airofit, Fares increased his accessible lung capacity by 25%.

Save 15% on the Airofit Breathing Trainer with code MySwimPro. Shop now >

Let us know your favorite post-swim stretches in the comments! Download the MySwimPro app to start your personalized Swim and Dryland Training Plan.

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