Stretching and mobility is a component of fitness that is regularly overlooked, but can play a critical role in recovery and overall performance. Stretching is great for your joints mobility, flexibility, fighting stress, and having a good night’s sleep.

Try these 34 stretches to loosen up your entire body.

Related: Why You Should Dynamic Warm-up Before You Swim

1. Camel Pose

Muscles involved: Rectus Abdominus and External Obliques.

2. Wide Forward Fold

Muscles involved: Adductors.

Related: 5 Stretches for Swimmers

3. Frog Pose

Muscles involved: Adductors.

4. Wide Side Lunge Pose

Muscles involved: Adductors.

5. Butterfly Stretch

Muscles involved: Adductors.

6. Forearm Extensor Stretch

Muscles involved: Forearm Extensor.

7. Lateral Side Flexion of the Neck

Muscles involved: Sternocleidomastoid “SCM”.

8. Neck Rotation Stretch

Muscles involved: Sternocleidomastoid “SCM”.

9. Neck Extension Stretch

Muscles involved: Sternocleidomastoid “SCM”.

Related: 15 Low Impact Dryland Exercises for Swimmers

10. Lateral Side Flexion of the Neck with Hand Assistance

Muscles involved: Sternocleidomastoid “SCM” and Upper Trapezius.

11. Half Kneeling Quad / Hip Flexor Stretch

Muscles involved: Psoas and Quadracep.

12. Forearm Extensor Stretch

Muscles involved: Forearm Extensor.

Related: 10 Swiss Ball Dryland Exercises for Swimmers

13. Lateral Shoulder Stretch

Muscles involved: Side Deltoid.

14. Standing Assisted Neck Flexion Stretch

Muscles involved: Trapezius Muscle.

15. Lat Stretch with Spinal Traction

Muscles involved: Latissimus Dorsi.

16. Lat Stretch at the Wall

Muscles involved: Latissimus Dorsi.

17. Child’s Pose

Muscles involved: Latissimus Dorsi.

18. Standing Calf Stretch

Muscles involved: Soleus and Gastrocnemius.

Related: 5 Resistance Band Dryland Exercises for Swimmers

19. Front Split

Muscles involved: Psoas and Hamstring.

20. Seated Forward Fold / Seated Toe Touch

Muscles involved: Hamstrings and Calves.

21. Single Leg Forward Bend

Muscles involved: Hamstrings.

22. Deep Squat

Muscles involved: Glutes.

23. Seated Half King Pigeon Pose

Muscles involved: Glutes.

24. Standing Calf Stretch at the Wall

Muscles involved: Soleus and Gastrocnemius.

25. Lateral Flexion at the Wall

Muscles involved: External Obliques.

26. Supine Twist

Muscles involved: Glutes and External Obliques.

27. Lateral Flexion with a Dowel

Muscles involved: External Obliques and Latissimus Dorsi.

28. Triangle Pose

Muscles involved: External Obliques.

29. Chest Stretch at the Wall

Muscles involved: Pectorals.

30. Assisted Chest Stretch

Muscles involved: Chest and Latissimus Dorsi.

31. Seated Half Pigeon Variation

Muscles involved: Anterior Tibialis.

32. Supine Shoulder External Rotation Stretch

Muscles involved: Subscapularis.

33. Down Dog Variation at the Wall

Muscles involved: Pectorals and Latissimus Dorsi.

34. Assisted Chest Stretch Variation

Muscles involved: Pectorals.

Related: 10 Steps to Swimming Smarter Freestyle

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Happy swimming!



  1. Thanks for info. Great pics – I need to warm up more to lessen/prevent injuries. Maintenance is always cheaper than repair – an old real estate term.

  2. Pingback: Some great illustrations – Hatha Yoga

  3. Excellent. Several I currently have in my daily routine but it’s so good to see the pics that go with each position . Thank you.

    • 18 focuses dominantly on the Soleus muscles in both calves at the same time, but still hits the big Gastrocnemius muscle in both legs. 24 isolates the Gastrocnemius and you can control the stretch by placing as much or as little leverage on the muscle by ankle flexion. The Gastrocnemius is probably the most stubborn muscle in the body because we’ve been walking up right and using them for thousands, maybe millions, of years, not sure. But this fact makes it a pretty good conceptual idea to stretch the Gastrocnemius from as many different angles as possible. I always have my clients do an extra 4th set of 15 reps on calf presses because it takes more to break down the calf than other muscles that are more dormant throughout the day

  4. I just started incorporating a few of these stretches into my daily routine and I can already feel the difference! The picture with the hamstring stretch was particularly helpful in getting me to stretch correctly. Thanks for sharing!

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