
How to Create a Swimming Routine You’ll Actually Stick To

This post is sponsored by Underwater Audio! Save 15% on the Delphin waterproof music player with code MYSWIMPRO. Shop now >

Sometimes, we set fitness goals for ourselves, but life gets in the way. Maybe you’re busy at work or school, and skip workouts. Maybe you lose motivation to work out, or you aren’t quite sure how to get started in the first place.

We’re here to tell you that it’s ok…this happens to all of us! Let’s break down a few ways to create a swimming schedule that works for you and, most importantly, that you’ll stick to.

Ultimately, the best plan is one that you know you’ll do consistently. Read on for a few example weekly swim plans for swimming two, three or four or more times per week.

How to Build Your Swim Training Schedule

1. Define Your Goals

First up, identify what you want to achieve from your workouts. Common swimming goals we see are:

Whatever you hope to get out of swimming, it’s important to set SMART goals. SMART goals are:

An example SMART goal is: I will swim a 1,000-meter freestyle in 15 minutes by May 1, 2023.

Learn more about SMART goals here!

2. Choose a Workout Plan

After you have your goals written down, it’s time to choose a swim plan that will help you achieve them! 

Start small, and be realistic with what you have time for, and where you’re at fitness-wise. Check out the MySwimPro app for fully personalized swim training, from daily workouts to long-term Training Plans:

3. Decide When to Swim 

Everyone’s schedule is different, and there isn’t one best time of day to swim. As we’ve mentioned before, the best time to swim is the time you can fit it into your schedule!

Whatever swimming schedule you choose, do your best to stay disciplined. 

4. Get the Right Equipment

It’s easier to commit to your swimming routine when you have the right gear. At a minimum, make sure you have a swimsuit, goggles and a swim cap. 

If you’re ready for more equipment, we recommend investing in a pair of fins, paddles and a snorkel. These will allow you to vary your workouts more and focus on building strength and power.

Check out the MySwimPro Amazon store for our favorite swim gear brands!

We also recommend adding some tech accessories to your swim bag to make your workouts even more enjoyable. Sync your MySwimPro workouts to an Apple Watch or Garmin watch for set-by-set guidance and detailed data tracking while you swim!

If you want to listen to music, podcasts or audiobooks when you swim, we recommend trying the Delphin from Underwater Audio!

The Delphin clips onto your goggles, and comes with waterproof SwimBuds headphones. Load your favorite playlists directly to the Delphin, or listen to Pandora, Spotify, Audible and more while you swim.

Save 15% on your order with code MYSWIMPRO. Shop now >

5. Schedule Your Swims

The only way you’ll stay consistent with your swim routine is if you prioritize swimming in your day. 

Add your workouts to your calendar, and make them a non-negotiable. Work with your schedule to fit in every swim. 

We all have the same 168 hours in the week. Remember, a 30-minute workout is better than nothing at all!

6. Get an Accountability Buddy 

Swimming alone can be tough! To help yourself stay consistent, find an accountability buddy:

7. Commit to a Lifestyle

If you want to make the most progress, think about making a permanent lifestyle change, and not just following a workout plan. Make swimming a part of your life, and don’t shy away when it gets tough. 

Sign up for MySwimPro Coach to train with Coach Fares Ksebati and unlock fully personalized workouts, data tracking and more. 

Try These Swimming Routines

Ready to create your swimming routine? Try these ideas and dive in!

Swim 2x/Week

Swimming twice a week is a great place to start. You’ll build a feel for the water, and start to improve your technique and endurance.

We recommend trying the Beginner Freestyle or Couch to 1k Training Plans. The Workout of the Day is also a good option here! 

Swim 3x/Week

Want to add an extra day to your weekly swim routine? The WOD is still a great choice. If you’d prefer a Training Plan, we recommend these: 

Swim 4-5x/Week

If you’re ready to commit to a more intense swimming schedule, try swimming four or more times a week. You could continue doing the Workout of the Day each day, or try one of these plans:

When it comes to creating your swimming routine and schedule, start small and focus on creating habits that you will actually stick with. That’s the key to making long-term lifestyle changes and including swimming as a part of your life for years to come!

Save 15% on your Underwater Audio purchase with the code MYSWIMPRO! Shop now >

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