This New Year’s Eve workout features all the elements of training with a good aerobic component! If you’re lucky enough to get into a pool on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s day, it’s always fun to mix it training with a themed workout!

The 10 x 25s Kick included components of underwater work and resistance training. Running through the series almost two full rounds, you go two 25s 100% underwater dolphin kick, two 25s holding a water barbell vertical in the air perpendicular to the surface of the water, and finally two 25s holding a medicine ball. Fins help! The 8 x 25s working on technique were: two fist drill, two right-paddle + left-fin, two left-paddle + right-fin, and two full paddles + fins working on holding a perfect stroke.
The ‘main set’ called for a series of 15 x 100s broken up in descending fashion by repetition distance with a :05 second drop per set. The last few 100s should be a very difficult interval and it’s best if run nearly straight through!
Happy New Year-DAC 2015 workout
Did you do a fun New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day workout? Feel free to share it with us on our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
See Also Our 12 Days of Christmas Workout

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