As we approach a new year, you’re starting to set some big goals for the coming months. You have the motivation to train more than you ever have, and are equipping yourself with the right tools to be successful!
That’s great, but what can you do to increase your competitive edge and give yourself the best possible chance for success. One area of training that’s often overlooked is the brain. While, sports psychology is a huge field, we’re going to focus on how applying simple best practices with yoga and meditation can yield big results.
Here are some tips to improve your mental game so you can reach that next level of swimming performance.

Why Yoga?

Yoga can provide both physical and mental advantages to your training. It increases flexibility and can help with recovery. Yoga is also highly engaging to the entire body and helps improve body awareness and core stability.
Below, Richard Hall orchestrates a 20-minute vinyasa yoga sequence with elite athletes; Rebecca Soni, Junya Koga, Lexie Kelly and Zach Hayden led by Amy Hall from The Race Club focused on core. No matter your level or ability, yoga can benefit your swimming and general well being. Just like in the pool, correct technique over forced, and sloppy form is essential. Remember to breathe with each movement.
On the mental side, yoga puts you in a mental state of meditation. It combines the physical pose with a high level of mental concentration. Yoga can be practiced as little as once per week and as often as every day. The frequency depends on your goals and how you choose to place it in your weekly workout routine.
Related: How Swimmers Can Be Mentally Strong in a Pandemic

How Meditation Works

Like Yoga, meditation is all about focus and breathing. A lot of athletes mediate during yoga. You focus on your breathing, and relax. This can be similar to continuously swimming, where you let all your thoughts go. Sports psychologists call this “flow”. Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download
You can think of flow as being “in the zone”. Endurance athletes can relate to this state better than most. In this moment, there are no negative vibes, it’s just you and your breath. If you’re having trouble finding this state during your swim workouts, meditation can help you find your flow.
Yoga classes can help you achieve meditation. There are also a number of self-guided meditation applications that can help you achieve flow.
Do you practice yoga or meditation? Let us learn from your experience, we’d love to hear from you!

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