A workout doesn’t have to be long to be effective! All you need is 25 minutes to do a few quick sets can offer an impressive burst of energy.

This shorter aerobic freestyle workout is designed to get your body in rhythm and heart rate up for a brief interval. Training in the Threshold Zone yields the most aerobic conditioning benefit. You can read more about the different training zones used in swimming here.

Workout Statistics:

  • Distance: 1,500 yards
  • Duration: 25 Minutes
  • Focus: Aerobic Freestyle
  • Dynamic Intervals: Based Off The Times Below


A shorter warmup followed by some 50s kick is just enough to get the blood flowing and lungs open. The IM set allows you to focus on all the strokes and make sure you’re adequately warmed up for the main set.

Main Set

The Main set is a descending ladder from 300, 200, to 100. The goal is to build each set within the series. The 300 is build to 80%, the 200 build to 90% and build to max speed (100%) on the final 100.

The goal of the main set is to build rhythm and finish with your strongest and most proper technique. Don’t let your stroke fall apart when you start to increase tempo/power.

Cool Down

It’s important to let your body recover and cool down after a physically fatiguing set. 100-200 meters is the minimum recommended to flush out lactic acid that was built up during the main set. A cool down and post-swim recovery can easily take up to 30 minutes or more. Hot tub anyone?
Be sure to checkout 10 Steps to Swimming Smarter Freestyle and download the MySwimPro app in the App Store for iPhone and Google Play Store for Android!

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