Workout Statistics:

  • Distance: 2,000 yards
  • Duration: 45 Minutes
  • Focus: Kick Technique and Endurance


  • 300 Free
  • 4 x 50 IM

Drill Set: FLOW

Main Set: Leg Crusher!

The main set will engage your entire body while alternating your upper body and lower body. Be sure to give the kick sets your max effort while focusing on your catch on the 200s pull.

  • 1 x 200 Pull @ 2:30 (1:15 pace)
  • 4 x 50 Kick @ 1:00 Best Average
  • 1 x 200 Pull @ 2:30 (1:15 pace)
  • 4 x 50 Kick @ 1:00 Best Average
  • 1 x 200 Pull @ 2:20 (1:15 pace)

In the parentheses of the aerobic swim, you can see the average pace per set (200). Dynamic intervals in the app will allow each interval to adapt to the speed of your swimming. For example, this workout is designed for a swimmer who can do a 500 yard freestyle in 5:00. If you’re closer to 8:00 for your 500 yard freestyle, then your intervals on the 200s would be 3:20.
Be sure to download the MySwimPro app in the App Store for iPhone and Google Play Store for Android!

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