If you could ask a swim coach anything, what would it be?

  • Advice on how to structure a training plan?
  • Tips for perfecting every stroke?
  • Pointers for a better flip turn?
  • Questions on how both elite and beginner swimmers can train with MySwimPro?

Well here’s your chance!
Every Tuesday at 10am EST, the MySwimPro team will be hosting a LIVE swimming Q&A! Follow @myswimpro, and tune into Facebook LIVE or Instagram LIVE for a chance to get your swimming questions answered.
CEO & co-founder Fares Ksebati, and Marketing Director Paige Walters will be on-air, talking all things swimming. Once you’re watching the livestream, just leave a comment with your questions. Or, you can send us a private message with your phone number, and we’ll call you LIVE on-air!

Check out this Swimming Q&A to get a feel for what it’s like >

See you on Tuesday!

If you have any questions about MySwimPro or swimming, send us an email! We’d love to chat. Email us anytime at support@myswimpro.com.


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