Happy New Year!
We present to you the New Year Countdown Workout with three different distances. Choose your level and start training with other swimmers from around the world as we count down to the new year together!

  • Beginner: 1,400 Meters
  • Intermediate: 2,750 Meters
  • Advanced: 5,500 Meters

Swimmers are very ambitious people, but often times, we’ll bite off more than we can chew and as a result we’re left with an unmet goal. The key with large goals is to change your frame of reference and become short-term focused, so you make regular, measurable progress more often.

When setting goals, it’s crucial that they be very defined and methodical in your approach. If you want long-term success, be clear about what you want to accomplish. To help you succeed, use the S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) goal process.
See Also: How to Set SMART Goals

New Year’s Countdown (Beginner)

The classic countdown. It starts out feeling easy, then it hits you and you’ve only started the third set and it feels like it’s going to take forever. Next thing you know, you’re half way through the workout and it’s all down hill from there! As you decrease the number of reps you’ll increase the intensity and crank up the tempo. Happy New Year!

  • 10 x 25s Freestyle @ :50
  • 9 x 25s Freestyle @ :45
  • 8 x 25s Freestyle @ :40
  • 7 x 25s Freestyle @ :35
  • 6 x 25s IM @ :45
  • 5 x 25s Kick @ :50
  • 4 x 25s Pull @ :40
  • 3 x 25s Stroke @ :45
  • 2 x 25s Freestyle @ 1:00
  • 1 x 50 Freestyle @ 2:00

New Year’s Countdown (Intermediate)

Similar to the Beginner countdown workout, this set will feel a bit long when you start. Before you know it, you’ll be down to just a few 50s and you’ll be charging through to the finish. Crank up your speed on the last few 50s. Happy New Year!

  • 10 x 50s Freestyle @ 1:00
  • 9 x 50s Freestyle @ :55
  • 8 x 50s Freestyle @ :50
  • 7 x 50s Freestyle @ :45
  • 6 x 50s IM @ 1:00
  • 5 x 50s Kick @ 1:10
  • 4 x 50s Pull @ :55
  • 3 x 50s Stroke @ 1:00
  • 2 x 50s Freestyle @ 1:30
  • 1 x 50 Freestyle @ 2:00

New Year’s Countdown (Advanced)

This Advanced countdown set is double the distance of the Intermediate workout because you’re essentially doing 55 x 100s broken up into 10 different set-groups. The first 35 take up a majority of the volume and are freestyle descending interval on each round. Once you get passed the first 2/3rds it starts to get interesting. Increase your speed as you close out the last few 100s. Happy New Year!

  • 10 x 100s Freestyle @ 1:45
  • 9 x 100s Freestyle @ 1:40
  • 8 x 100s Freestyle @ 1:35
  • 7 x 100s Freestyle @ 1:30
  • 6 x 100s IM @ 1:50
  • 5 x 100s Kick @ 2:00
  • 4 x 100s Pull @ 2:00
  • 3 x 100s Stroke @ 2:00
  • 2 x 100s Freestyle @ 3:00
  • 1 x 100 Freestyle @ 4:00

If you’re ready to take your swimming to the next level, start a Free Trial of the Elite membership here. Join countless others in their journey to self-improvement and achieving their goals with MySwimPro!
Download the MySwimPro app in the App Store for iPhone and Google Play Store for Android!

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