This week’s workout is a double-whammy: We combined swimming and dryland exercises into a 1-hour, 1500-meter HIIT workout that’s sure to challenge you!

Grab your gear and give this workout a try!

Benefits of Combining Swimming & Dryland

We all know how dryland training can help you improve your swimming on its own, but combining swimming and dryland in one workout can help you keep your heart rate up and build additional strength and cardiovascular fitness. You may also find that you burn more calories during a combo workout than in a regular swim workout.

Related: 20 Dryland Exercises for Swimmers with a Medicine Ball

The Workout

*Note: Fares completed this workout in a 30 meter pool. The workout below has been converted for a 25 meter or yard pool. 

Distance: 1,350 meters

Duration: 52 minutes

Warm Up (2x)

  • 200 Freestyle Easy
  • 4×25 IM @ 1:00, 5 Burpees after each 25

Main Set (2x)

  • 4×25 Butterfly @ 1:00, 10 Pushups after each 25
  • 4×25 Backstroke @ 1:00, 20 Russian Twists (on each side) after each 25
  • 4×25 Breaststroke @ 1:00, 10 Squats after each 25

Final Flex

  • 4×25 Freestyle Race Pace, with fins & paddles
  • 1×50 Freestyle Easy

Love this workout? Check out our HIIT Dryland Training Plan!

Have you tried incorporating dryland exercises into your swim workouts? Let us know how you like it!

For more workouts and swim tips, download the MySwimPro app on iPhone or Android, and start a free trial of ELITE to unlock all of our swimming and dryland training resources!



  1. I am 67yrs Marine 1970-1973
    Getting back into shape after a 75ft fall off a cliff into embankment, hitting every boulder on way down.
    After 4month rehab I started cycling and swim
    At this time I am doing a 1hr hike with my dog(6am)
    1hr row(10,000meters) 8:30 am to 9:30am
    Then a 1hr freestyle swim (just arms at this time)
    Thank You i am looking forward to your training advice and challenge

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