Our lead investor (Invest Detroit Ventures) has completed a comprehensive due diligence process and committed capital out of their First Capital Fund.

As a prospective investor, you can mitigate some of the risk by conducting your own due diligence before making an investment decision. To make this process easier, I’m sharing an inside look at our Investor Deck along with a more detailed analysis on each slide. Please take a look at our below and let me know if you have any questions.
See Also: Invest In MySwimPro – Join Millions of Swimmers

See Also: 15 Reasons Why You Should Invest In MySwimPro

Legal Primer

Even for repeat founders, fully understanding the nuances of securities regulations can be overwhelming. It’s even more complex today, thanks to new laws rolled out in 2015 and 2016. This is why I highly recommend reading the Wefunder Legal Primer to get a better grasp on how Regulation Crowdfunding works. Below is a brief comparison of fundraising exemptions:

MySwimPro Investor Deck

Our vision is to create the leading global aquatic health and fitness platform. Today, we deliver personalized swim training on a mobile device in a digital community that empowers you to share, compare, and compete with one another.


In 2015, we launched MySwimPro to solve a simple problem: help swimmers who did not have a swim coach maximize their workout time. Since then the scope of the problem has evolved, but the initial thesis remains the same: there are a limited number of coaching resources available to swimmers worldwide. If you want to hire a personal swim coach, it can be expensive and is not a feasible option for most swimmers. Additionally, unlike other sports, swimming can become monotonous. Without the right training plan or guidance, then achieving your goals can be a really big challenge.


From the moment you launch the application, you’re just 3 taps away from unlocking a personalized swim workout along with Instructional video content and detailed analytics so you can track your progress and measure your improvement. The app features a Workout of the Day (WOD), and hundreds of unique workouts created by our team organized by different skill levels and pool courses.

Swimmers can create their own workouts and save them to their profile which features analytics including the total distance charted out over daily, weekly, and monthly graphs.

On September 7th, 2016, we were excited to be in Apple CEO Tim Cook’s keynote address where he launched the new iPhone 7 and the Apple Watch Series 2. We were the first swimming application to launch on the Apple Watch, and were thrilled to be named the Best App of 2016 by Apple.

The award winning MySwimPro Apple Watch App redefines personal coaching on a wearable device. You can sync workouts from the iPhone to the Apple Watch, and it will guide you through the workout set-by-set. The tracking mode allows you to swim and record your total distance, time, also display real-time heart rate.

We’ve taken this technology to Android Wear, launching the first swimming app that integrates with GoogleFit, running Android Wear 2.0. In the coming months we’ll be integrating native pool tracking and open water tracking features.

Business Model

MySwimPro monetizes through a freemium subscription model that is designed after the leading fitness apps in the category. For a monthly or yearly fee, premium athletes unlock advanced workout content and functionality. Our initial conversion rates are well in-line with industry averages. The payback period describes how long it takes to recoup the cost of acquiring a premium athlete. This cost to acquire a premium athlete is calculated based off of the return on investment metrics shown on the Marketing ROI slide below.

Market Opportunity

Swimming is not only one of the fastest growing sports in the world, it is also a massive market. The slide above displays swimming participation just in the United States. This data was pulled from a 2014 Report conduced by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association powered by Sports Marketing Surveys. While 26.3 million people swim for fitness in the United States, only 9.4 million swim more than 50x per year.

Our target market is swimmers between the ages of 25-44 who are actively pursuing a fitness goal. This goal can be anything from competing in a masters competition, open water race, triathlon, or losing weight. This age-group is most receptive to digital technologies and is a beachhead that we can most easily address through proven digital marketing strategies with which we have already demonstrated a positive ROI.

Product Traction

We launched MySwimPro on Android in February (2015) and on iPhone in June (2015). Since then, we’ve totaled over 200k+ downloads. We’ve seen bumps in total registered athletes from several times we’ve been featured on the Home Page of the Apple App Store (July, 2016 and December, 2016).

In April, 2016, we launched our premium subscription service (this is why we recorded no revenue prior to this date). We’ve grown our monthly recurring revenue from our premium subscriber base. Both our yearly and monthly subscribers continue to grow.

We recently passed 500 premium subscribers. Many of these premium athletes are monthly subscriptions. We launched a yearly option for membership in January (2017).

Conversion rate is the percentage of our community members who choose to unlock our premium service divided by our monthly active user base (MAU). In April (2017), we have around 30k MAUs. A large influx of downloads (featured on the Home Page of the App Store in July 2016) decreases conversion rate accordingly.

Swimming is a global sport with reach well beyond the United States. In fact, a majority of our community members reside outside the US, and today, MySwimPro has been downloaded in over 190 different countries.

Go To Market Strategy

A majority of our community members have come through organic discovery in the App Store, our features with Apple including being named App of the Year, and through Social Media. Our social media audience is over 100k active fans who we’ve spent very little to acquire. Most discover us through content: our blogs, videos, and photos. To grow beyond this, we’re looking at different distribution partners on national and international levels.

We can rapidly acquire market share through paid acquisition by deploying capital across high performing digital channels. Facebook, and native App Store search advertising has proven to show the lowest cost to acquire a community member.


The biggest differentiator between MySwimPro and other swim tracking or coaching tools on the web is the personalized swim coaching experience that is delivered through our mobile applications. We look to further differentiate by building our community so there’s a sense of accountability and competition.

Financial Projection

To raise over $100k through Regulation CF, we had to have a financial review completed by a third party CPA. You can see this detailed review on our Wefunder campaign page. These projections are displayed to show potential Revenue and Net Income. Any metrics displayed after 2016 are dependent on variables outside of our control and may not materialize as displayed.


En route to achieving our vision of empowering aquatic prowess across the globe, our product roadmap will allow us to scale our community through three primary pillars: Personalization, Wearable technology integrations, and Community.


We’ve recruited a world-class team that’s passionate about solving the challenges of our market. In addition to Adam, Mike and myself (Fares), we’ve brought on three industry leading advisors and a group of mentors who have started, scaled and sold mobile fitness companies to the largest sports brands in the world. Our full team and our LinkedIn profiles are listed below:

Fares Ksebati, CEO

– Wayne State University, Business Administration
– Varsity Swim Team Captain, Three consecutive conference team titles
– Nationally recognized swim coach
– Digital marketing at multiple venture backed startups

Adam Oxner, Co-Founder

– University of Michigan, Computer Science
– Varsity Swim Team, NCAA Team Championship
– iOS development Expedia
– Full Stack development at Thomson Reuters

Michael Allon, Co-Founder

– Michigan State University, Computer Engineering
– Senior Android developer at Target
– Lead Android developer at Dynatrase
– Android developer at Compuware

Peter Vanderkaay, Advisor

– University of Michigan, Team Captain, NCAA Champion, American Record Holder
– 2004, 2008, 2012 U.S. Olympic Team, Co-Captain (2012), 4x Medalist

Todd Sullivan, Advisor

– 5x Sports Technology Entrepreneur
– Venture Partner, Sierra Waastch Venture Capital

Mitch Thrower, Advisor

– Founder: Active Network, Triathlete Magazine, Events.com
– 22x Ironman triathlete, 13x World Championships

On March 29, 2017 we won the $40k grand prize in the Michigan GreenLight Business Model Competition at Michigan State University. Out of 180 applicants, 22 early stage ventures presented in the finals. You can watch the presentation below:

The Ask

What is a SAFE?

A SAFE or safe stands for a “simple agreement for future equity”. This document was authored by Y Combinator lawyer Carolynn Levy and open sourced. It was created and published as a simple replacement for convertible notes. In practice a SAFE enables a startup company and an investor to accomplish the same general goal as a convertible note, though a SAFE is not a debt instrument. Investors invest money in the company using a SAFE. In exchange for the money, with a SAFE, the investor receives the right to purchase stock in a future equity round (when one occurs) subject to certain parameters set in advance in the SAFE. For our campaign, these parameters include: $5M Valuation Cap, and no discount rate.
It’s a recent funding vehicle that’s gaining popularity in early-stage tech capital raises, as a replacement to convertible notes. It’s used most frequently in the pre-seed and seed level companies where it doesn’t make sense to place a valuation on the company at this point in time. It essentially delays valuing the company until the next round of financing where it will have more traction to base that off of. It’s not a loan and does not accrue interest. However, like convertible debt, your investment would convert into equity upon a qualified financing.

Use Of Funds

At this stage of growth, MySwimPro is focused on continued product development and customer acquisition. There are large opportunities in exiting market segments and adjacent demographics who will find value from our products and services with additional experiences. Specifically on the product development side, integrating with wearable technology companies and creating native experiences that resonate with these audiences is a major priority. Additionally, we look to enhance the scope, personalization, and impact of our training programs to help swimmers improve.
We also plan to invest heavily in customer acquisition, diving deeper into our existing community through digital engagement and in-person event appearances. Building our brand and promoting our products and services to increase our active user base and the number of premium subscribers in our community is a priority and our crowdfunding efforts will directly support this growth.


As an investor, the only way you can get your money back is through IPO or acquisition. In the last 4 years, there have been over $1 billion dollars in mobile health and fitness acquisitions. Companies like Under Armour and Adidas have partnered with the largest fitness technology companies in the world to leverage their unique digital experiences and communities.

How Does It Work? What’s My Potential Return?

The information below is merely a summary of a potential outcome. I encourage you to review the information provided through the Wefunder portal, in particular our Form C and attachments.

  • Because we’re raising with a SAFE, in order to trigger conversion of an investor’s shares, we need to raise an equity-financing of $1M or more to be a qualifying round. As an investor, you would then be awarded preferred shares on the terms set by this future round (in the constrains of our $5M Valuation Cap).
  • For Example: If you invest $10K in this crowdfunding round, and if in 2 years we raise $2M at a $10M Valuation, your investment would convert into preferred shares at the $5M valuation cap that we have set at this round. The new investors would be investing at a $10M Valuation.
    These new investors will also have the right to buy you out (this does not apply to “Major Investors” – $25k or more).
  • Also, only these “Major Investors” have the right to make follow on investments in future rounds of financing.
  • Additionally, with the way it’s set-up, I (as the CEO) will have proxy to voting power for all non-Major Investors ($25k or less). This is done to manage potentially having 500 people on the Cap Table and then having to deal with all those investors in the decision making process.
  • To continue that example, let’s say we’re acquired for $40M in 5 years from now. You would roughly 6x (would be 8x if there is no other future financing) your money accounting for the dilution you would have received from that $2M round of financing.
  • Summarizing, your $10k investment would equate to roughly $60-80k at a $40M liquidity event. Also keep in mind the capital gains taxes that would be owed on this increase in share value.
  • This is a somewhat descent calculator (https://republic.co/crowdsafe/calculator) to see this – this calculator doesn’t factor in a future financing round, but it gives you an idea of how it would convert.
  • A 5-10x return would be an amazing outcome. A par outcome would entail a liquidity event where you would return your money back or some portion of it. This is higher risk than public investing, so losing all your money is a real possibility as well.

Again, I recommend that you review the Form C, particularly the risk factors. This information is all viewable on our wefunder campaign page at wefunder.com/myswimpro.

Join our journey of empowering aquatic prowess across the globe. Please be sure to read 15 Reasons Why You Should Invest in MySwimPro.

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