Training all four competitive strokes is a fantastic way to get in shape quickly. Individual Medley focused workouts are considered the most taxing types of workouts by competitive swimmers because of all the muscles and energy systems that get used.
See Also: Workout of the Week: IM Killer

This shorter IM focused workout hits all the strokes and mixes in a kick set in the middle of the main portion of the workout. Over the course of the workout, you’ll alternate multiple energy zones, paces, and stroke types (yay, kicking). You can read more about the different training zones used in swimming here.

Workout Statistics:

  • Distance: 2,400 yards
  • Duration: 42 Minutes
  • Focus: Varying stroke styles and energy zones
  • Dynamic Intervals: Based Off The Times Below


A shorter warmup followed by some 50s of stroke in IM order will get the body warmed up for what’s to come. It’s important to warmup the type of swim the main set is. In this case, Individual Medley.

Pre Set

It’s important to focus on some element of technique before heading into a longer main set. Traditionally before an IM set, you’d drill all the strokes. In this workout, treat each 50 as a unique opportunity to refine some element of each stroke in IM order.

Main Set

This main set is unique in that it alternates aerobic swimming with kicking through multiple repeat rounds. Typically kick sets are done at the very beginning of a workout or at the end. This workout allows you to mix up the strokes, freestyle and kick training all inside the main set.

This Main Set is intended to be run through twice although it’s at your discretion to run through it multiple times more 🙂

Cool Down

It’s important to let your body recover and cool down after a physically fatiguing set. 100-200 meters is the minimum recommended to flush out lactic acid that was built up during the main set. A cool down and post-swim recovery can easily take up to 30 minutes or more.

Be sure to checkout 10 Steps to Swimming Smarter Freestyle and download the MySwimPro app in the App Store for iPhone and Google Play Store for Android!

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