Swimming on your own can be pretty challenging. Even if you’re intrinsically motivated, staring at the black line on the bottom of the pool can get old quickly if you aren’t doing the right workouts.

Swimming the same workouts over and over can result in performance plateaus, and eventually you might start to swim slower than when you started. Avoid these frustrating mishaps with a structured swim training plan!

Why Follow a Training Plan?

You’re busy. A structured training plan ensures you’re making the most out of your time in the water. The best plans help you progress gradually, to ensure you’re safely challenging yourself (and keeping injuries at bay!) and always moving toward those goals. Check out three more reasons to try a swim training plan:

1. Consistency

Whether you’re trying to improve your stroke technique, swim faster, or increase your endurance, there’s one common, critical component: consistency. If you ask any coach, they’ll tell you that the most important thing you can do to get faster is to be consistent with your training. An odd workout here and there isn’t enough to produce real swimming results, and will only get you so far.

Humans are creatures of habit; we like to do what we’re used to. Training plans create a more well-rounded and complete workout program, breaking you out of those old habits. MySwimPro Training Plans include a wide variety of Workouts that challenge your body in different ways, while also prioritizing technique and recovery to build lifelong fitness.

Committing to a training plan is a fantastic way to cultivate discipline. The plan takes some of the decision-making process out of your hands. No more wasted time trying to figure out which workout is right for that particular day! With everything mapped out for you, you know exactly what to do each and every day you swim. This will ultimately result in the fastest improvements.

2. Goal-Oriented

In the MySwimPro app, every Training Plan is created with a specific goal in mind. Not only is each Plan customized to your skill level and speed, but they also work toward a specific goal: getting fit, improving endurance, enhancing speed, open water training and more.

If performance enhancements aren’t as important as health improvements, following our Get Fit and Improve Endurance Plans are a perfect fit. These Training Plans strike a good balance between technique work and loaded progressions to push you toward your goals.

Whatever your goal, MySwimPro’s personalized coaching ensures you’re getting the right Training Plan for your needs.

3. Balance

MySwimPro Training Plans help you strike the perfect balance between technique, speed, and endurance training to help you reach your goals. Depending on the Plan you choose, your training will cycle through changes in volume or swap between technique work and progressively tougher speed challenges. You can rest easy knowing that our expert coaches crafted your Plan with your end goal in mind. Just head to the pool and swim!

If you’re ready to swim with purpose, explore MySwimPro’s Training Plans! Sign up for MySwimPro Coach to unlock these Plans (and more!), plus personalized coaching, Detailed Analytics, hundreds of customized Workouts.

How to Train with MySwimPro

Ready to get started? Open the MySwimPro app to get your personalized Training Plan. Get more tips on our Support Site.



    • That’s a great question – you can change the default time between sets and set-groups independently by navigating to the ‘Workout Settings’ screen under general settings of the MySwimPro App.

  1. This is the best swimming app that I have found for the Apple Watch. Really wish that it had training plans that were easy to adjust. I used to go to Masters Swimming groups that would meet 2 or 3 times a week and swim for 60 – 90 minutes. The app right now has about 60 workouts, but when I browse through them I only find a handful that meet my criteria. I wish the app could generated a workout based on my own criteria… e.g. 1000 yd warm-up, 2000 yd swim (focus on freestyle, or IM, or a stroke…), and 200 yd cool-down. This would allow everyone to create a training plan that meets their needs.

    • Mario, thank you for your great message! We appreciate the feedback and will add your suggestions to our feature requests. Thanks again for the support and let us know if you have any further ideas or questions! -Paige

  2. Hey man, I’m absolutely fond of the writings on your website. They are created cleanly, easy to digest and memorize, despite English being my 3rd language. Wish you well.

  3. Hi
    I were swimming for about 1.5 yrs , use to swam between 2000-2500m In a average, 2-3 times in a week. i was given up for 4 months lately for a personal reason, would like to get back in the route, is it possible that can give me an advice which course will fit me.
    My aims is 1:30 for 100 freestyle
    My best Are 48s for 50m, 1.50 for 100m so far

  4. Flavio Sant'Anna on

    Hi! If I am planning in going to a 10k open water training plan, but intent to split the longer distances training in more swimming days/week or within two periods on the same day. How should I do that?

    • Hi Flavio, You can easily edit existing workouts in your training plan to reduce yardage. You can also create a new, custom workout for the days you plan to split one of the training plan workouts up. Hope that helps!

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