We love sharing stories that we get from our swimmers, especially when they’re making changes for a happier, and healthier life. This week, we caught up with MySwimPro swimmer, Mike Huck, who recently made a change to make swimming a priority again.

 Mike Huck – @slowsailor
Mike has loved the water ever since he was a kid. In high school, he dove and played water polo, then went on to swim and dive at a Division III college. He’s always been passionate about spending time outdoors, sailing, coaching swimming and being active with his kids, but struggled to find the time to swim regularly on his own. Now in his 60s, we’re happy to hear that Mike is back on track and swimming more than ever!
Mike Huck Sailing Gold Medal Moment
Mike found MySwimPro in the Fall of 2017 when he was searching for workout ideas, and quickly signed up for a Premium Subscription so he could get daily workouts right on his phone.

“I wanted to put my energy in swimming, not creating workouts.”

Mike Huck Swimming
Mike got back into shape with our 8-Week Enhance Speed Training Plan and has now worked his way up to swimming 2,500-3,500 yards a day! Most days, he’ll pick our Workout Of The Day, which is quick and easy, and helps him stay accountable. He loves how easy it is to track his heart rate and recovery time between sets on his smartwatch, then manually log his workouts on his MySwimPro phone app so he can look back on how he swam, right on his phone. As a former swim coach, he’s always looking for new ways to get better, and we couldn’t be more excited to help him on his fitness journey!

“I also like the MySwimPro community. In the short time I’ve been involved, I’ve read every post and can relate to the questions or situations described. I also like the videos if I feel I want to brush up on a particular stroke.”

mike huck competing
Mike is 61 years old and lives in Manitowoc, WI. He’s retired from his Executive job at a non-profit and recently got back into swimming with MySwimPro on his Android Smartphone and Samsung Fit Pro2 Smartwatch. His words of advice? “What are you waiting for? Swim within yourself, you’ll know when to challenge the status quo!”
Nice work, Mike! We’re so proud of you for getting back in the pool!
If you have a #GoldMedalMoment you would like to share with us, we’d love to hear it! Send us an email at contact@myswimpro.com.

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