Workout Statistics:

  • Distance: 1,500 yards
  • Duration: 46 Minutes
  • Focus: Speed


  • 200 Free
  • 4 x 25 FLOW Kick
  • 4 x 50 IM

Main Set: Race Pace

Feel the need for speed! On the 100, make sure you’re exerting maximum effort. On the 25s Best Average, it’s your choice of stroke, so make sure you’re putting in the work!
Also, here’s a great read that explains what interval training is.

  • 1 x 100 Free @ 3:00 RACE PACE
  • 4 x 25s Stroke @ 0:45 BEST AVERAGE

Be sure to download the MySwimPro app in the App Store for iPhone and Google Play Store for Android!

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