Get to know our Canada-based MySwimPro community member, Anthony Montalbano (@italianst4), and hear how the MySwimPro app helped him go from a beginner swimmer to a competitive triathlete. Plus, check out his helpful tips for new swimmers!

Meet Anthony:

Hey! I’m Anthony! I live in Windsor, Canada with my wife and I’m a partner at AMBR Detroit, a small, yet mighty software technology consultancy based in downtown Detroit. I love to travel and am always excited for our next adventure.

My Swimming Journey:

I recently discovered the joys of swimming 2 years ago when I decided I wanted to complete a triathlon.

It didn’t take long before I realized how much I enjoy every lap and the tranquility of being in the water.

Running a company, my days can be a bit hectic, so jumping in the water has become my moments to myself, my new favorite form of meditation.

I really didn’t know anything about swimming, until I discovered MySwimPro. Before I found the app, I started training for my triathlon by just focusing on swimming a consistent 500 meter swim. I didn’t really know how to structure a swimming workout. I created a Google Spreadsheet to track my overall times and eventually bought a stopwatch to track my laps. It was all a hassle, and I wasn’t getting any faster.

About a year ago I got an Apple Watch Series 4, immediately downloaded the MySwimPro app and upgraded to ELITE. MySwimPro has taught me so much about “how to swim.” I’ve learned about interval training, different techniques and the drills are awesome. I often search through the different available workouts and gear most of my training towards longer, endurance swims.

“It changed the game. I never would have imagined that I’d be swimming 3,500 meters in a single workout!”

I love pushing myself to swim a bit further and learning to push my limits. I now find myself swimming 3-4 days a week! The app has become a part of my daily swimming regime and continues to teach me new things and push myself to new goals.

My Goals:

I’m currently following the 5k Open Water Training Plan, but if I’m going for a shorter swim, I love the Workout Of The Day that’s fresh everyday.

Since my first swim 2 years ago, I’ve completed 3 triathlons and have set a goal to complete my first Ironman before my 40th birthday (I’m 36 now). The more I swim, the more I feel like this goal is attainable. Otherwise, swimming helps me clear my mind and be one with myself. Given the low impact on my joints, it’s seriously my favorite workout!

My Advice For Beginners:

  • If you’re just learning how to swim, cadence is so critical. As exciting as it can be to start a swim, it’s important to learn your energy levels and not burn yourself out.
  • Don’t underestimate kick drills! I’ve learned that the more I do kick drills the better my swimming has become.
  • When I’m swimming, more times than I can count, the mental thought “make your body long” goes through my head. Keep pushing yourself to stretch your arms further from your legs, each time you reach for that next stroke.
  • Finding a breathing rhythm is so relaxing and really helps me swimming longer distances. Similar to meditation, it’s all about following your breath….in….out….in….out. Learning how to use your breath and create a rhythm for breathing makes swimming not just amazing for your body, but also the mind.
  • Follow the @myswimpro Instagram! It inspires me everyday to want to go to the pool.
  • When swimming in open water, always use a swim buoy. Not only does it make it easier for boats and water crafts to see you in the water, but if you ever need a break, this thing is a life saver!
  • I also swear by a product called “Quick Spit” for keeping my goggles from fogging up. I use two squirts in each eye of my goggles before every swim. It’s a game changer, and I never think about fog in my goggles anymore!

I’m excited to be a part of the MySwimPro community and I know that, with an app like MySwimPro, anyone at any age can learn to become a swimmer!

Thank you so much for sharing your story, Anthony! We can’t wait to hear how you swim this year! 

Ready to start your Personal Training Plan? Use code ANTHONY20 for 20% off ELITE.

Download the MySwimPro app and start your free trial of ELITE!

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