We have exciting news to share! MySwimPro has now officially crossed over 1 million App downloads globally. This news comes just after being featured by Apple as the App of the Day in the United States on the home page of the App Store. You can read more about that here.

The MySwimPro global community is growing around the world and the app is now available in multiple languages! Collectively our community has logged billions of meters. Millions of workouts have been logged in the largest swimming database on planet Earth!

MySwimPro’s digital community is larger than the population of 75 countries. Our community members come from over 180 countries and swim for one common purpose – to be healthy and share a passion for the water!

Apple App of the Year

MySwimPro was recognized by Apple as the Best App of the Year for the Apple Watch in 2016. The mobile app and wearable companion deliver an incredible experience for swimmers by delivering a personalized swim coaching experience.

Personal Coach on Your Wrist

There is a huge advantage of training with a personal swim coach. Working 1-on-1 with a coach gives you the opportunity to receive personalized feedback and training plan modifications on a regular basis. This allows you to improve and reach your goals faster.

While we all can not afford or have the luxury of a personal coach at the pool with us, the next best thing is MySwimProa personal coach on your wrist!

If you’re swimming a structured workout with a compatible smartwatch (Apple Watch, Garmin, or Fitbit), the MySwimPro app will analyze your performance during the workout, then afterwards make smart recommendations to your dynamic interval times so your training plan and next workout are more personalized to you.

World Swim Day

World Swim Day is an international holiday that empowers people around the world to be more active through swimming.

World Swim Day is celebrated on the fourth Saturday of October every year. The holiday promotes living a healthy lifestyle through swimming and raises awareness for the importance of water safety. World Swim Day events are independently organized around the world for swimmers of all ages. There are over 100 million fitness swimmers in the world, and yet there are over 4 billion people who do not know how to swim.

World Swim Day was initially conceived within MySwimPro, Inc. to increase participation in swimming and promote water safety inclusive of geography, language, and skills. In the first year, World Swim Day saw participation from swimmers in over 100 countries and funds were raised for three learn-to swim non-profit organizations. The international event is more than a virtual swim, but also serves as an opportunity to connect a global community that shares a mutual passion for the water.

World Swim Day is supported by MySwimPro, the largest digital community of swimmers in the world. The international event is also supported by globally-minded companies with shared values that include empowering a healthy lifestyle through swimming and promoting water safety. We hope World Swim Day continues to inspire and empower people around the world to be active in the water.

Visit WorldSwimDay.org to learn more. Download MySwimPro here.

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