In this post, we’re chatting with Abhinav Pandey (@merkuric), from New Delhi, India! Hear his story of how he’s setting goals to compete in his first triathlon by training with MySwimPro!

Meet Abhinav:

My name is Abhinav Pandey and I am an Architect-Town Planner, living in New Delhi, India. I grew up swimming and really enjoyed it, but as I grew up I took many years off of training.

2019 has been a big year for me, because I got very interested in swimming again. It is a great workout and is a fun community to get involved with. I love to run, so incorporating swim workouts into my weekly schedule really helps my endurance.

I am currently swimming a few days per week and training toward competing in my first triathlon, and masters swim competition.

His Swimming Journey:

When I decided to start swimming again, I did not follow any structured workouts or training regimen, I was just swimming back and forth tracking my swim on my Apple Watch.

I realized I was not getting much faster, so I looked up swimming apps that would help!

How MySwimPro Helps:

I luckily discovered the MySwimPro app, and my swimming has gotten so much better!

I follow my Personal Training Plan in the MySwimPro app, which guides me through each week of swim workouts. Before each swim, I can review the swim sets, watch the technique videos, and focus on what small elements of my stroke I can work on during that hour.

My workouts are way more effective and I get so much valuable data from using the app on my Apple Watch. After each swim workout, I analyze the data in the MySwimPro app on my phone, which gives me good insights into the areas where I need to improve in my swimming.

“MySwimPro has impacted my swimming in a very positive way. The app, the instructional videos and the motivating community has helped me build my fitness levels and improve my overall physical and mental health.”

Why He’s Thankful For Swimming

I am thankful for swimming because it relaxes my mind and clears my stress. It is very soothing and therapeutic to only hear the water gushing next to your ear while you swim. I love swimming because it is more than an exercise, it is something that truly calms me down.

I have never left the swimming pool feeling disappointed, it always gives me a happy feeling.

Before every swim workout, I try to focus on the small goals I can reach that will help me in the water. If you focus on the little things consistently, you will see progress. I have had days when I did not feel like swimming at all, and then ended up recording my fastest times. It’s very mental.”

His Advice For Beginner Swimmers:

  1. Technique is very important. It’s very essential to focus on technique rather than just strength.
  2. If you really want to improve, you must dedicate your time to the pool and working on your technique.
  3. Having a good training program is very important. It will help you sequence your training and make it more effective. MySwimPro is perfect for this.
  4. Breathing has been the most important factor for me. Once you have good control over your breathing, things will improve drastically.
  5. Having good swimming gear (good quality swimwear / cap / ear plugs etc.) can help you focus during your swim. Also, hydration is really important!

Thank you so much for sharing your story, Abhinav! We’re so excited to have you on board as an ambassador, and can’t wait to hear how you swim this year! 

Ready to start your personal Training Plan? Use code ABHINAV20 for 20% off ELITE.

Download the MySwimPro app and start your free trial of ELITE!

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