Whether your pool is closed for an extended period of time, you can’t make it to the pool due to a busy schedule, you can’t afford a pool membership at the moment, or you’re traveling somewhere that doesn’t have a pool, you can keep moving toward your goals! 

It’s important to adjust your mindset during this time. Having limited access to a pool provides an opportunity to incorporate more dryland into your routine, which is hugely beneficial for your swimming performance.

Watch the Video:

Listen to the Podcast:

If you are concerned about how the coronavirus (COVID-19) will affect your swimming, check out this blog post.

To explore our Dryland Training Plans, click here. Check out our YouTube channel for more dryland training tips and workouts!

Related: MySwimPro – The #1 Dryland Training App for Swimmers!

Prevent Injury

shoulder injury

Dryland training allows you to work on key areas of vulnerability in your body, such as your shoulders, your knees or your lower back, to prevent future injuries. You can also improve your flexibility with dryland training to increase the range of motion in your joints.

Bodyweight Workouts

You can get a great workout in with just your bodyweight! Bodyweight dryland routines are great if you need to do your workout at home. Push-ups, sit ups, squats, hip bridges, core work and numerous other exercises can all be done with no equipment and minimal space.

Related: 5 Ways to Cross-Train for Swimming

Check out this video for an explanation of two dryland workouts, including a dynamic warm up!

Read the full blog here.

Core strength is essential for all swimmers. This video breaks down 10 of our favorite core exercises!

Read the full blog here.

15 Low Impact Dryland Exercises for Swimmers

Read the full blog here.

Related: 5 Reasons Why Bodyweight Training Improves Your Swimming Performance

Strength Training

If you have access to a gym, or if you have basic workout equipment at home, put them to use! Add some of these exercises to your arsenal:

20 Dryland Exercises Using a Medicine Ball

Read the full blog here.

5 Resistance Band Exercises for Swimmers

Read the full blog here.

30 Dryland Exercises Using TRX Suspension Cables

Read the full blog here.

10 Swiss Ball Dryland Exercises for Swimmers

Read the full blog here.

Related: 4 Principles for Effective & Sustainable Strength Training

Open Water Swimming

Related: Why You Should Consider Getting an Endless Pool

If you have a body of water available to you, try out some open water swims!

A few safety notes: Never swim in open water by yourself. Instead, swim with a guide boat or a group of swimmers. Use a floatation buoy if you have one, and wear a bright colored swim cap.

Related: 30-Minute Tethered Swimming Workout

Cardio and Alternative Workouts

Related: 9 Tethered Swimming Tips

In addition to the workout ideas we shared above, you can also incorporate walks, hikes, indoor or outdoor bike rides, or runs into your routine to get a nice cardio burn. You can also try yoga, rock climbing, Pilates or any other workout to make up for your lack of pool time. 

Related: 4 Ways Yoga will Make You a Better Swimmer

How to Structure a Workout

Here’s how to build an effective, efficient dryland workout.

Start with a Dynamic Warm-up

Related: Why You Should Do a Dynamic Warm-Up Before Every Swim

A proper warmup ensures your muscles are ready to work! Warming up helps with shoulder stability, enhances your nervous system function and prevents injury. Your warm-up should get your heart pumping, but shouldn’t tire you out too much.

The videos above include more dynamic warmup tips.

Building Your Workout

To build your dryland workout, pick 5-10 exercises and choose your workout structure. Below are a few different ways to build your own workout

Related: How to do Dryland Workouts at Home


Create your own work and rest intervals. Be sure to pick a work interval that you can complete for 2 or more rounds. Example:

  • 30 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest, 3 rounds.
  • 30 seconds push-ups, 15 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds squats, 15 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds lunges, 15 seconds rest
  • 30 second plank, 15 seconds rest

Rep Count

Complete 2-5 sets of 10-20 reps for each exercise. Before you start your workout, decide how much rest you need between sets of each exercise. Example:

  • 3 sets of 12 reps for each exercise. Rest 30 seconds between each set.
  • Burpees
  • Leg lifts
  • Pull ups
  • TRX tricep extension

Large Circuit

Complete all exercises one after the other, choosing either a work/rest interval or a rep count. Try for 2-5 rounds, resting after each round. Example: 

  • 15 reps of each exercise, 4 rounds. 1 set of 15 reps per exercise = 1 round.
  • TRX lateral lunge
  • Russian twists with medicine ball
  • Oblique plank right side
  • Oblique plank left side
  • Medicine ball slams
  • TRX rows
  • Plank progression

Multiple Small Circuits

Group exercises into a few small circuits. You can choose intervals or rep count for these circuits. Example: 

  • 3 circuits, 40 seconds of work, 20 seconds of rest. 3 rounds. Complete all 3 rounds of one circuit before moving on to the next circuit.
  • TRX pistol squat
  • Burpees
  • Plank
  • Push ups
  • Russian twists with medicine ball
  • Squat with medicine ball press
  • Lunge with medicine ball twist
  • TRX row
  • Rotational medicine ball chop


Complete 2 exercises, one after the other with no rest between. Rest after you complete the second exercise. 3-5 rounds. 

  • 15-20 reps of each exercise. Complete 3 rounds of each superset before moving on.
  • Squats
  • TRX jump lunges
  • Burpees
  • Plank progression
  • Push ups
  • TRX chest fly

Related: 4 Reasons Swimmers Should Lift Weights

How Often Should I Do Dryland?


Try replacing your regular swimming sessions with dryland workouts until you are able to get back to the pool. However, it is important to note that dryland has a different effect on the body than swimming. Dryland is higher impact, so you may not be able to work out for as long, or at as high an intensity, as you can in the pool. If you are new to dryland, start slow and build up your intensity over time, starting with lower reps or short intervals.

When it comes to dryland, do what works for you! It’s most important that you stay active and get back in the pool ready to crush your goals. Share your favorite dryland workout with us in the comments!

While you’re out of the pool, download the MySwimPro app to try our Dryland Training plans, and study our library of Technique Videos so you’re prepared when it’s time to get back in the water! Start a MySwimPro Coach subscription to begin your personalized Training Plan!



  1. Very nice. These exercises are also very helpful in keep the body healthy.These exercise are also a great way to boost your fitness and strength.Thankyou for sharing this lovely psot.

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