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Ever wish you could do your swim workouts in your backyard? Most of us can’t install a 25-meter lap pool in our yards, but there’s another solution — a resistance pool from Endless Pools!

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What are Endless Pools?

These pools are designed for stationary swimming using a propulsive current. They allow you to swim “endlessly” without ever doing a turn. It’s the biggest pool you’ll ever need! These pools can be used for aqua jogging and water aerobics, too.

Endless Pools can be installed indoors or outdoors, and are affordable to heat year round. Water maintenance is also much easier compared to a large pool.

The Original Endless Pool measures 8 feet by 15 feet (about 3 meters by 5 meters). It’s recommended that you have at least a 10 foot by 18 foot space to install the pool. There are some models that can fit 2 swimmers at a time!

Interested in an Endless Pool? Get a free inspiration guide!

How Fast is the Current?

Related: How Chris Rojas Trained for the Pan American Masters Championships in an Endless Pool 

Adjust the pool’s current with the touch of a button to match your desired speed. For example, Endless Pools’ Elite model uses a 7.5 horsepower motor, 2 propellers and a wider opening to create the fastest current available in any swimming machine. With a top speed of 0:51/100 yards, it is suitable for competitive swimmers and is used by many of the top collegiate programs and coaches in the world.

How Does an Endless Pool Compare to Pool Swimming and Open Water Swimming?

Personal lap pools are usually one lane wide, about 3′-6′ deep and usually require at least 25 meters of length to satisfy most serious swimmers. They’re also really expensive to install.

If you swim in open water, you get to spend time in nature, but there are a lot of other variables to contend with, including safety, water temperature, visibility, marine life, boats, and weather.

Related: 30-Minute Tethered Swimming Workout

An Endless Pool takes up much less space, is simpler to install (particularly indoors), is easier to maintain and is more economical to run than a traditional lap pool. When you have a pool in your backyard or in your house, you also eliminate travel time required to get to a lap pool or lake. It’s way more convenient!

How Do You Structure Sets in an Endless Pool?

Related: The TRUTH About Swimming in an Endless Pool®

An Endless Pool can be used for a few different types of swim training:

  • Aerobic Conditioning: This is simply continuous swimming to build endurance. Many people think this is the only way to train in an Endless Pool — you set a pace and go. That’s certainly helpful for building your base, but it’s not the only option!
  • Interval Training: Instead of swimming a specific distance in a set interval (eg. 3×100 @ 2:00) swap distance for time (eg. 3x 1:30 swim, rest 30 seconds). 
  • Technique Work: Some Endless Pools have mirrors on the bottom and on the sides to help you check your technique. Simply set your appropriate pace, swim a few drills and correct your technique in real time.

These training options also apply if you are using a tether to swim in place.

Advantages of Swimming in an Endless Pool

Related: COVID-19 Training with MySwimPro & a Swim Spa

Endless Pools offer a range of perks that save you time and help you become a better swimmer!

Investing in an Endless Pool can save you quite a bit of time and money.

  • You no longer need to travel to a pool
  • You don’t need to pay for a pool or health club membership
  • You never have to fight for a lane!
  • You’ll always know that your pool’s chlorine levels are safe
  • You’ll reduce your exposure to others

The resistance of the water highlights the inefficiency of your stroke and allows you to adjust your stroke in real time using the pool’s mirrors. Elite swim coaches David Marsh and Glenn Mills use these pools on a regular basis to help top tier swimmers refine their technique.

Endless Pools aren’t just for swimming! They can be used in numerous ways:

  • Low impact therapy, such as aqua jogging or water aerobics
  • Cross training
  • Up the temperature and relax in your pool just like a spa or hot tub

Learn more about installing an Endless Pool in your home!

Disadvantages of Swimming in an Endless Pool

If you’re considering an Endless Pool, it’s important to take a few disadvantages into account: 

  • Neglect the Details: In an Endless Pool you won’t get a true push off the wall, and won’t be able to practice your flip turns or starts.
  • Need Space: While Endless Pools may be smaller than a lap pool, they do still take up a good amount of space.
  • Upfront Cost: Endless Pools are an investment. If you use it regularly, that investment becomes worth it over time.

How Much Does an Endless Pool Cost?

Endless Pools are a long-term investment. The price depends on 2 factors:

  • Model: Endless Pools offers numerous models, some with extra features or enhanced speed, and others that are more basic. Cost can range from $17,000-$40,000 depending on the model you choose and installation costs. 
  • Configuration: It’s most cost effective to install your Endless Pool above ground, but you can increase the installation costs if you prefer a different setup.

If you’re serious about buying an Endless Pool, you can expect the process to take at least a month. If you can, test out one of these pools before you buy to ensure it’s a pool setup you see yourself using in the long run. Join our Global Community Facebook group to connect with swimmers who have Endless Pools!

Have you ever swum in an Endless Pool? Let us know in the comments! Download the MySwimPro app for Swim Workouts, technique tips and accountability! To receive more information about Endless Pools, click here.



  1. I have a Dimension One Swim Spa and love it. I alternate between a fast freestyle and then a resting breaststroke. Would like to know if it is best to choose pool swim or open water swim on the my swim pro app.

  2. We have an endless pool machine in our pool and we love it ! We’re getting older and high impact workouts are causing arthritic problems The machine is 4yrs old, gets used 3-5 days a week and has not broken down once.
    HOWEVER .. I wish Apple watch would count strokes since you can’t count laps my heart rate And time is all I am able to track

    • Taylor Holmes on

      That’s so great to hear Libby! Great suggestion on stroke count. We’re working on a few options for tracking swims in Endless Pools!

        • Taylor Holmes on

          Hi Dean! To structure workouts for an Endless Pool, you can create a workout in MySwimPro that is interval only (no distance). Your smartwatch will vibrate on your wrist when each interval begins and ends! Hope this helps.

  3. Stephen Nowicki on

    It would really be great to have MySwimPro app with Apple Watch control the workouts and swim speed for my Endless Pool. I really love swimming in my Endless Pool, but I am not able to get swim metrics using my watch app. I am only able to load summary data that is limited to total time and total distance. I hope that it is in development. Thank you.

      • Billy McKee on

        I too would like to comment about the Apple Watch and not being able to get distance metrics with your app. Basically that is why I decided to end my membership last year because 95% of my swimming is in a MP Signature that I purchased Jan 2019. Otherwise I think your app is awesome. If you can find a way to make it work in a swim spa it would be doubly awesome!
        Ferris did a great job of describing swim spas advantages and disadvantages. 1 point to add: The column of water is different depending on the brand/model. I have experience with 3 made in this country. The MP Signature from Master Spas is the one I own and I would rank it last (small column and speed will determine direction of current). I would rank the Endless Spa brand #2 – bigger and more uniform column of water and direction of flow. The absolute best made in the USA and maybe the world is the SwimEx – Fall River, MA. Definitely has the largest column of water and best uniform flow direction by far. The drive is behind the swimmer with an enclosed paddle wheel which causes a column the entire width of the pool and almost the entire depth. The return is on the outside of the swim tank so it does not cause any change in the flow. My choice for sure. I just could not afford the higher price, and the shipping cost was too high to my home near Houston, TX.

        • Taylor Holmes on

          Thanks for this suggestion, Billy! We’re always working on updates to make the MySwimPro experience even better! Appreciate your insight about swim spas too!

  4. I swam in an endless pool for lessons. It is awkward but useful. I’m not sure I’d get as much out of it without the videotapes feedback of the coach. And of course, there is the lack of incentive of trying to make a time or intervals or adding up yardage. However, in this time of Covid, it would be nice as pools are closed. Pools that are open, have closed their bathrooms to showers before and after swimming— which is just plain gross. Yes, my own pool would be great.

  5. andrea apatow on

    A neighbor has an unused 2003 Endless pool, still in the delivery wrapping. She wants to sell it, cheap. Is it worth taking the risk? There is a cover, swim current gauge, plumbing kit, filter and hydraulic power unit and lastly an electric heater.

    • I wonder how this worked out for you. We bought one and didn’t install it for about 10 years. Being crated up for that long did not pose any problems. If you buy it, have Endless pools reset their timer since they recommend replacing the hydraulic motor every five years and the liner every 8 ( I think). If you don’t have a cover, you will be adding water every couple days due to evaporation.

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