In this guest blog, MySwimPro Community Member Vicky Moore shares her swimming journey and how MySwimPro is helping her reach her goals, including swimming in a swim meet for the first time in more than 30 years!

About Me

I have been swimming for about 40 years! I live in Temecula, California and work as a literacy specialist. I am a mom to some awesome young adults!

I was nationally ranked as an age group swimmer, but had to quit at age 16 due to exercise induced asthma. It was devastating for me. I couldn’t stay out of the water, though. I worked as a lifeguard, taught swim lessons, and swam a bit here and there.

Related: How MySwimPro Helps Me Break Masters State Records at 51 Years Old

The Trip of a Lifetime

I attended a Christian university, and a speaker came to our chapel service who would be serving as chaplain for the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Spain. He had been serving athletes through prayer and support for years, and was looking for a swimmer to join his team. 

Within 48 hours I had a ticket to Barcelona. I received an Olympic track suit and was part of the ministry team. I was able to see my favorite event — the 100 backstroke — and also got to see Janet Evans swim! It was an incredible experience. I enjoyed being able to connect with fellow athletes through faith.

God and swimming have carried me through the ups and downs of life: bad breakups, my pregnancies, my mom’s death. Swimming helps me cope and it brings me such joy. After all these years, I have never lost my love and passion for swimming. I swim 6-7 days a week to this day. I swear I’m half mermaid!

How I Trained Before Finding MySwimPro

Before finding the MySwimPro app, I used to find Masters swim workouts online. I would also look through old swim journals and modify old workouts. These workouts felt pretty meaningless — I wasn’t challenging myself. As I began to get more serious about training, I needed something more.

How I Use MySwimPro

I discovered MySwimPro when I was searching for swim training options to prepare for my first swim meet in more than 30 years! The app is really easy to use, and I recommend it to all my lap swim buddies.

Related: How MySwimPro Helps Me Train for the 200 and 400 Freestyle

Before I head to the pool, I find a workout in the MySwimPro app and write it on a piece of paper. I lay the paper on the pool deck so I can refer to it as I swim. I track my swims on my FitBit, too. 

I love the variety of workouts and that there’s a focus on technique. Even if you have an injury, MySwimPro is there for you with alternative options. When I hurt my shoulder, I relied on kicking workouts and was able to keep swimming. 

Related: Join Our Global Facebook Community!

MySwimPro’s online community is incredible, too. Swimmers are the NICEST people. I love the swimmers I meet at the pool, meets and online. Everyone is so supportive!  

My Swimming Goals

I’m looking forward to competing again in 2021. In 2019, I competed in my first swim meet in 32 years, and thanks to MySwimPro, I felt prepared and ready to race! I qualified for nationals and came away with first place!

My Top 3 Tips for Swimmers

  1. Be Consistent. Show up and swim! 
  2. Watch Videos. Even if you are a veteran, be open to tips and always try to improve. It is easy to fall into bad habits without realizing it.
  3. Take Risks. I was so nervous to compete again but it has brought me such joy!

Follow Vicky’s journey on Instagram at @teachingmore! Download the MySwimPro app and start a free trial of ELITE to unlock all of our swim and dryland training plans, technique tips, and daily workouts!

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