Based in Colima, México, René Martinez Saenz has conquered the open water swimming Triple Crown. In this guest blog, he shares a bit about his background and his marathon swimming goals!

My Swimming Background

I am an ordinary person who has always tried to experience and get the most of whatever I find challenging and thrilling. I have always been very passionate about the ocean and sports, especially water sports. I have jumped from waterskiing to kiteboarding to triathlons and swimming, which is the sport that I have loved the most since I was young. 

I started swimming in pool competitions as a kid, and like every other optimistic athlete, my dream was to qualify for the Olympic Games. But unfortunately, I didn’t have the physique or the preparation and resources to do it. 

Finding My Passion for Open Water Swimming

6 years ago triathlons led me to get back in the water. I got inspired by people like Nora Toledano and Toño Arguelles and discovered open ocean swimming as an opportunity to do something that would make me proud and get involved in altruistic projects on the way. 

I decided to take on the Triple Crown of swimming as my goal. It was a very ambitious and challenging goal, but I became the 13th Mexican to complete it! 

Related: 5 Tips for Beginner Open Water Swimmers

The Triple Crown includes 3 marathon swims:

  • The English Channel: 33.7km (completed in 13 hours, 36 minutes)
  • The Catalina Channel: 32.5km (completed in 14 hours, 26 minutes)
  • Swim Around Manhattan Island: 48.5km (completed in 8 hours, 59 minutes)

How I Train

After my marathon swimming period, I struggled with a shoulder injury. I’m just starting to train again post surgery! 

It’s helpful to me to have a clear goal (whatever that is) that drives me! I have a couple of “secret challenges” right now, but generally I want to improve my strength and speed in open water swimming. 

When I found MySwimPro, I was surprised to find an app with so much information and workouts for all levels that is so easy to use! If you are an advanced swimmer or a beginner who is just starting to build up your distance, you can set any goal and tailor your training plan.

Related: How to Log Open Water Swims with MySwimPro & Garmin

MySwimPro’s video tutorials have helped me improve my technique in the water, and the dryland training plans have helped me build strength to avoid any further injuries. I love using the app to log my open water swims with my Garmin paired to my iPhone. 

Going the Extra Mile

We live in a very complex society, and it’s important to me to always go the extra mile. It is no longer enough to the basics for your personal benefit. 

I use swimming as my central engine to contribute to causes that are important to me. I collaborate with a marine conservation NGO and an organization dedicated to providing water activity education to kids who live in vulnerable places in México.

I’m glad that MySwimPro gives the swimming community opportunities to give back through fundraising, like World Swim Day!

Whatever your goals are, MySwimPro will help you get there! Stay determined, and you can accomplish anything that you aim for.

Follow René’s journey on Instagram at @renemtzs! Use code RENE20 for 20% off MySwimPro Coach.

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