Australian Ariarne Titmus has dethroned Katie Ledecky in the women’s 400-meter freestyle! As expected, Titmus and Ledecky put on a good show, staying close the entire race.

Ledecky fought tooth and nail to maintain a lead for the first 300 meters, but Titmus surged ahead in the last 100, touching first in 3:56.69, about 0.3 off of the World Record. Ledecky finished close behind in 3:57.36.

Titmus previously beat Ledecky in this race at 2019 World Championships, and Ledecky’s loss was partially blamed on her being sick during the meet. Now, there’s no doubting that Titmus is here to stay.

China’s Li Bingjie took 3rd for the bronze.

Ledecky still has the 200, 800 and 1500 on her program — plenty of opportunities for another gold!

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