If you want to swim faster, you have to train faster! And this 30-minute swim workout is designed to push your limits. 

MySwimPro Co-Founder and CEO Fares Ksebati designed this workout to focus on transferring athleticism on land into the water for maximum speed. 

The MySwimPro team crushed this workout during our team retreat in Phuket, Thailand! Want to try it for yourself? Check out the breakdown below, and leave a comment if you enjoyed it!

Workout Overview

We started with a long warmup and drill set to get the blood flowing and set up good stroke technique.

Before the main set, we incorporated a quick dryland set to turn on our fast twitch muscles. 

Starting at the bottom of a pushup on the pool deck, we exploded into a powerful streamline jump on Fares’s “go.” The goal here was to get into a perfect streamline as quickly as possible, and to maximize our jump height. 

Related: How to Drop 10 Seconds in Your 100 Freestyle in 30 Days

After that, we were ready to crush it with 50s from the blocks! This main set included alternating 50s from the blocks and 50s with a running dive. 

Running dives can be challenging, so team members modified as needed, some doing a full-out sprint into their dive and others doing a casual walk to the side of the pool before diving in. 

After the hard work was done, we finished up with a Wheel of Torture swim set. Team members spun the wheel and the group had to complete whatever the wheel landed on!

The Workout

It might be short, but this workout is killer if you swim with all-out effort on the main set! For more workouts and personalized Training Plans, download the MySwimPro app.


6 minute continuous easy swim, alternating 50 freestyle and 50 choice stroke

Drill Set

4×50 Freestyle (25 Drill, 25 Freestyle) @ 1:20

  • 1st Drill: Streamline Kick on Stomach
  • 2nd Drill: Superman 12-Kick Switch
  • 3rd Drill: Zipper Drill 12-Kick Switch
  • 4th Drill: Bow & Arrow Drill

Main Set

Before starting this set, do a few explosive streamline jumps to set up your fast twitch muscles for the sprints!

4×50 Freestyle @ 1:30

  • Odd 50s off the blocks, 15m fast
  • Even 50s running start, 15m fast

Post Set (Spin the Wheel)

  • 100 Kick
  • 100 Freestyle (50 freestyle, hop out & do 10 pushups, 50 freestyle)

Cool Down

100 Freestyle Easy
For more swim workouts and swim tips, subscribe to Fares and MySwimPro on YouTube. If you’re ready to take your swimming to the next level, download the MySwimPro app and start your personalized Training Plan.

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