Each year, the MySwimPro team comes together for an epic company retreat, and 2022 was one for the books! We traveled to Phuket, Thailand for a week of in-person team building, working sessions and, of course, a bit of swimming.

As a fully remote team spread across the globe, our retreats are the one time each year that we can come together in person and spend quality time, work on our company strategy, align on our vision, and foster our company culture. 

Here’s a peek at our week in Thailand! Check out last year’s retreat in Cancun, Mexico.

Working Sessions

Throughout the week, we blocked off time to get some work done. These in-person sessions are invaluable and give us a chance to collaborate in real-time and learn from team members whom we may not usually work with.

As a team, we worked on app enhancements that will bring even more value to our members. We broke into smaller groups to brainstorm solutions to unique challenges, iterate on our ideas, and build on our strategies for the future! 

Video Shoots

Our marketing team spent time at the pool shooting photos and videos for upcoming content on our YouTube channels and social media. From workout vlogs to educational videos, there are lots of fun videos to come!

Keep an eye out for new content, and make sure to subscribe to both the MySwimPro YouTube Channel and Fares’s YouTube Channel so you don’t miss an upload!

Team Workouts

This retreat wasn’t just about work…we made time for a few team workouts, too! We hit the pool at the Thanyapura Sports & Health Resort for swim workouts coached by MySwimPro CEO Fares Ksebati, did dryland on the beach, and even went for a few open water swims in the warm tropical waters. 

Our team is home to swimmers of all levels, from beginners to former D1 athletes, water polo players and everything in between. These workouts were a great chance to test out the MySwimPro app on our smartwatches, and helped us stay focused during each day’s working sessions. 

Cultural Excursions

We capped off our busy schedule with a few incredible excursions on and around Phuket. 

One afternoon, the team crammed into a tuktuk and headed off to check out the famous Big Buddha and the Wat Chalong temple. 

Later in the week, we rented a catamaran and ventured out to the Phi Phi islands – one of the most picturesque locations in the world. The team spent time snorkeling, relaxing and exploring a beach alongside local monkeys!

At the end of the week, we headed home feeling more aligned and connected than ever (and rocking a tan from that tropical sun!). Here’s what some of our team had to say about this year’s retreat:

“This team retreat was the most epic experience of my life! From swim workouts to exploring the beautiful country of Thailand, the team bonding was like no other. I can’t see any other work trip ever topping MySwimPro 2022.”

Kaylie Noll, Social Media Manager

“The 2022 MySwimPro retreat was life-changing! We filmed some fantastic guided swim workouts in a world-class facility, we collaboratively crafted our Product and Growth strategy for 2023, and we hopped on a boat to the most amazing remote island for a day of snorkeling, beaches, and (yes!) wild monkeys.”

Nick Newell, VP of Engineering

“Our team is so wonderful – I really loved the opportunity to brainstorm, share ideas, discuss and work through complex questions in person. Plus, swimming together as a team in a dream pool was amazing!”

Paige Walters, VP of Marketing

“The retreat was a great opportunity to bond with the team, improve our swimming and align on how to best help swimmers all around the world! The time spent together was invaluable and left me feeling more excited for what MySwimPro can do for swimmers than ever.”

Charlie Brown, Community Champion

“One of the most life-changing trips I’ve ever experienced. I take so much pride in the fact our team values learning from different people and cultures.”

Gisella Cianci, Product Designer

Want to join our team? Check out open positions here.

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