Our global team is excited to share what we’ve been up to in February! 

Watch the video below for the full story:

New Team Member

In February Taylor Holmes joined our team as Global Marketing Manager. She is based in Arizona and helps manage MySwimPro’s social media and blog content strategy.

Business: Taylor is an experienced marketing manager with a Masters degree in Mass Communications. 

Fun Facts: Taylor is a certified personal trainer and coaches Crosswim in her spare time!

New Ambassador

Meet our newest MySwimPro Ambassador, Noora Valkonen! She is a journalist based in Helsinki, Finland and has swum every day since June 2019! Follow her #swimstreak journey in the MySwimPro app.

February Swimming Challenges & Apple Watch Giveaway

We kicked off February with Cupid’s Challenge, which asked swimmers to log 6 workouts between February 1-13.

On Valentine’s Day, we asked our global community to share why they love to swim, and we received over 1,500 responses! We gave away an Apple Watch and some MySwimPro swag to the lucky winners. Watch the video here.

We finished out the month with our February Distance Challenge, which challenged our advanced swimmers to log 30,000 yards or meters in the app. 

New Online Store

We launched an online store, which made MySwimPro swag available to our global community. Grab a t-shirt or hoodie and represent MySwimPro everywhere you go!

Black History Month

In honor of Black History Month, we wrote an article exploring the disparities that have prevented black people from swimming, including systemic racism and economic inequality. In the article, we asked black swimmers to share their take on the sport.

Gold Medal Moments

Ambassador Banu Akyel has logged over 1,000 kilometers in the MySwimPro app! 

“Thank you MySwimPro! Your app played an integral role in accomplishing my 30,000-yard swim fundraiser!” – Michelle Rogalski 

“I officially got to the 1,000 mile mark using the MySwimPro app! Even when you’re feeling rough, you’re doing the right thing by getting in. My mood is always better, especially after a tough swim!” – Karen MacKenzie 

“I swam my first ever 1km continuously! Woohoo! This is a big personal accomplishment for me. The MSP app is great to guide me through a training program.” – David Richard

Thanks for Your Support!

If you made it to the end of the video, make sure to leave a comment on YouTube about why you love MySwimPro! We’re giving one lucky winner a MySwimPro hoodie!

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to email fares@myswimpro.com. Thank you, and happy swimming!

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