In this guest blog post, MySwimPro ambassador Chris Tubbs shares how he rediscovered his love for swimming after a 25 year break and how he uses MySwimPro to train for Ironman triathlons.

My name is Chris Tubbs and according to my friends and family I’m a member of the “crazies.” Over the past 18 months I’ve gotten the endurance racing bug and have been training to race in Ironman length triathlons!

Professionally, I am a biochemist and work as a pharmaceutical scientist. I also enjoy traveling the world. I love pushing myself and supporting anyone who is trying to break their own barriers and grow as an individual. 

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Related: How MySwimPro Helps Me Stay Motivated in Triathlon Swim Training

I swam competitively in high school in Los Angeles. Prior to chasing my ludicrous triathlon goals, I wasn’t very consistent with exercise. 

How I Train with MySwimPro

Before I found MySwimPro, I tried to remember workouts from 20 yrs prior. As expected, I made very little progress! MySwimPro’s structured workouts removed a mental barrier for me. All I have to do is choose the workout and go swim! I use the app on my Garmin watch and iPhone.

Related: Triathlon Training with MySwimPro

Now, as the app uses AI to adjust my paces, I’m more confident pushing my goals. I’m hoping to complete the 2.4 mile Ironman swim in less than 1 hour!

My Tips for Swimmers

  1. Stay Accountable: Get someone else involved in your goal. Tell your friends and family about it!
  2. Start Now: Don’t hesitate to start where you are today. Look forward to what you want and begin.
  3. Strive for Efficiency: Swimming is very technique driven. Focus on improving your technique, and speed will come.
  4. Challenge Yourself: Spend time swimming with people who are more experienced or faster than you. Positive peer pressure is good.
  5. Help a Fellow Swimmer: Help a swimmer who isn’t as good as you. Remaining grounded and getting perspective of what you can do is valuable. And, you’ll help someone reach their goals. Who doesn’t enjoy doing that?
  6. Stay Consistent: Consistency is a foundational pillar to sustainable progress. Don’t beat yourself up when you miss a day. Take the long view. Just like anything else, progress is made stroke by stroke. 

Follow Chris’ journey on Instagram at @journeytoironmantexas. Get 20% off MySwimPro ELITE with the code CHRIS20.

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