Incorporating dryland exercises to your swim workout is a surefire way to get your heart pumping! The added variety challenges your muscles differently than your usual back-and-forth swim workout – and it mixes up your typical routine.

If that sounds like just what you need, give this 30-minute swim and dryland workout a try! 

This workout comes out to 1,000 yards or meters, but don’t let that fool you…it’s extremely challenging if you push yourself on the sprints! 

1,000-Meter Swim Workout

Distance: 1,000 meters/yards

Duration: 30 minutes


  • 1×200 Freestyle @ 4:00 Easy
  • 4×25 Kick @ :30


  • 2×25 Butterfly @ :50 with 5 push-ups after each 25 
  • 2×25 Backstroke @ :50 with 5 squats after each 25 
  • 2×25 Breaststroke @ :50 with 5 leg raises after each 25 
  • 2×25 Freestyle @ :50 with 5 Russian twists on each side after each 25

Main Set (3x – Descend by round)

  • 1×100 Pull Endurance effort @ 2:00
  • 2×25 Freestyle Race Race effort @ :50

Cool Down

2×25 Freestyle Silent Swimming

If you try this workout, let us know what you think in the comments! For Guided Swim Workouts, personalized Training Plans and 1-on-1 coaching, download the MySwimPro app! Save $35 on your first year of MySwimPro Coach with code SWIM35 >


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