As the second quarter of 2022 chugs on, the MySwimPro team isn’t slowing down! This month we built upon last month’s app updates and marketing growth to keep the wheels turning. Here’s a quick look at what we’ve been up to.

DynamicSwim Algorithm Updates

The Product team updated the DynamicSwim Algorithm in the app, placing more emphasis on accurate interval updates and celebrating new best times. 

Now, when you beat a best time during a Workout, Coach will recommend updates to your best time in the app, and the Algorithm will automatically adjust your Personalized Training Intervals for each Workout in the app. 

Training Plan Introduction Videos

In the coming weeks, you’ll see new introduction videos on each Training Plan screen in the app. These videos help ease swimmers into their Plan, with a thorough introduction to the Plan structure and what to expect.

Marketing Growth

May was a stellar month on the marketing side of MySwimPro as well. Our educational video content continues to amass millions of impressions each week across channels.

We launched a fresh blog layout that makes our content easier to find and navigate. Check it out here.

This month, we welcomed two new Ambassadors. Give them a follow on social media…they’re sure to inspire!

Ryan Crouch, 2016 Paralympian, Great Britain

Alberto Morano Barroso, fitness swimmer, Spain

In the coming weeks, we’re focused on refining our new blog layout, recruiting new ambassadors, and launching a few sponsored campaigns with swimming and triathlon content creators. Keep an eye out!

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