Sometimes an hour swim can be the hardest thing you have to get through in the day. It’s a hurdle to show up to the pool, you can’t stop wondering how many laps you have left, and you can get really bored staring at a black line on the bottom of the pool.
Most swims are fun, dynamic, challenging, and even relaxing. Although we like to celebrate the good swims, we can all admit that there’s bound to be some bad ones with all these thoughts running through your head…
The night before

Alarm goes off 

On the way to the pool 

On the pool deck 

0:10 — OMG it’s so cold.

0:30 — Let’s do this thing! This isn’t that bad.  

1:00 — Woo! First 50 is done. I’m feelin’ good.

4:00 — OK, warm up is done. Time to get down to business and crush this next set!

10:00 – I’m already hungry…. 

20:00 — Holy smokes. It’s only been 20 minutes? And I haven’t even started the main set yet?  

25:00 – *tries to put fins on without looking silly*

30:00 — I’m tired, I’m bored, and I hate swimming. 

35:00 – How is that woman at the end of the pool going so fast? 

36:00 – OK! Focus. Gotta push really hard and beat her.

40:00 — KILLIN’ IT

45:00 — Yesssss. Came in with an extra 5 seconds to rest! 

50:00 – Ah ha! Take that, faster woman in lane 1! *endorphin rush*

55:00 – Last one, fast one! 

60:00 – BOO YAH! I’m done! 

Swimming is amazing, but sometimes the hardest part is getting started.
If you’re looking for help with your swimming, download the free MySwimPro app. You’ll get personalized swim workouts, training videos, drills and training plans. Click here to create your free account! 

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