Improve your race pace performance in a 50 or 100 of any stroke! The USRPT III Training Plan in the MySwimPro app is designed to simulate racing and prepare your body to swim at top speed.

What is USRPT?

Ultra Short Race Pace Training (USRPT) is designed to teach your body to swim fast with perfect technique repeated over short distances. USRPT simulates a race situation in training, teaching your body to respond optimally so you get your desired result: your fastest times ever!

In USRPT workouts, your goal is to achieve race pace performance (or faster) and a 1:1 work to rest ratio. The times you strive for in practice are directly based on your goal time for a specific event.

You won’t see much “extra” swimming, such as a long warmup, kick sets or technique work in USRPT training. If you don’t do it in a race, you won’t do it in practice! Learn more about the science behind USRPT >

USRPT III Training Plan Overview

  • Workouts: 12 Swim Workouts
  • Average Workout: 1,300 meters = 30 minutes
  • Goal: Best time in 50/100 (any stroke)

Who’s it for? This Plan is designed for a swimmer who wants to improve their 50 or 100 time with a high intensity training program that applies scientific principles of Ultra Short Race Pace Training.

How does it work? USRPT is designed to teach your body how to swim fast with perfect technique repeated over short distances. The goal of most Sets will be to achieve race pace performance and a 1:1 work to rest ratio. Fins and paddles are recommended. This Plan can be completed in any stroke.

Sign up for MySwimPro Coach to unlock this Training Plan! Before you get started, check out these resources:

How to Train with MySwimPro

In the MySwimPro app, every Swim Workout and Training Plan is customized to your skill level. Head to the pool with confidence, knowing you’re getting exactly the training you need to reach your goals. As a MySwimPro member, you’ll unlock:

  1. Personalized Training Intervals that are tailored to your speed and automatically adjust as you get faster.
  2. SetBar™ that shows your expected swim time vs. rest time for every Rep in a Set. This is a game changer if you’re new to interval training!
  3. Workout Scaler that allows you to quickly increase or decrease the distance and duration of your Workout to make it fit your schedule.
  4. Compatibility with Apple and Garmin smartwatches. Sync your Workouts to your watch for Set-by-Set guidance!
  5. Detailed Analytics about every Workout, including splits, heart rate, SWOLF score, stroke rate, strokes per lap and more.
  6. Technique Videos explaining drills for all 4 strokes, plus educational videos to help you improve your performance.
  7. A fresh Workout of the Day 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
  8. The MySwimPro Workout Library, packed with hundreds of workouts personalized to your skill and speed.

Featured Training Plans

After you finish the USRPT III Plan, try these Training Plans!

Ready to get started? Open the MySwimPro app to get your personalized Training Plan >



  1. The video suggests a 1:1 work:rest ratio. Brent Rushall counsels a 15 sec rest for efforts of 25 M or less, and no more than 20 secs for 50, 75, 100 M efforts. Where does the 1:1 recommendation come from?

  2. I’m curious if this training plan can support 2 events: a 50 Breast and a 100 IM? Perhaps by extending the time? I’m currently doing ~2600 yds in ~50 minutes. Goal time of 50 Br is 33, 100 IM 1:06

    • Taylor Holmes on

      It definitely can! It may also be helpful to alternate your focus by training session. So focus on breaststroke one day, and IM the next.

  3. found it.

    My son is a fifty and 100 m sprinter. He keeps getting told he needs to do hours on swimming but time is an issue esp with the driving. He gets demotivated when he does not have the stamina for millions of butterfly laps etc. He swim 50m 25secs and want to drop under 25 sep beginning of Oct. Is this possible in this program.

    • Hi Tracy, swimming a sub 25-second 50 free is definitely possible with the USRPT III plan! When preparing for his workouts, your son should set a specific pace or time he needs to hit on each sprint set. If he’s swimming 25s, he should strive to swim each of them in about 12 seconds, which is on pace for a 24-second 50.

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