The MySwimPro team dove into 2023 head first, with lots of exciting projects underway. Check out what we got up to in the first month of the year!

Taking Test Sets to the Next Level

Last month, we launched our first Test Set in the MySwimPro app: The Need for Speed! It’s been so exciting watching our members challenge themselves and go for new Best Times in the 100 freestyle. 

We’ve got more good news on the Test Set front: Our team is working on a new Test Set that will challenge our members in a totally different way and help them stay motivated to keep improving. Check out the Performance tab on the Profile screen in the app for a sneak peek!

New Communication Tools

This quarter, our marketing team is hard at work migrating to a new email service provider that will help us improve our email marketing and further personalize communications to our members and email subscribers. 

We’re also working on launching campaigns that include push notifications, in-app messages and dynamic content inside the app, all with one goal: To motivate and educate our members!

Expanding Media Production

This month we welcomed a new video editor to the MySwimPro team: Cinderella Ksebati! She will assist with video editing and help us ramp up our content production. Yep, we’re releasing even more swim coaching videos in the coming months! 

Make sure you’re subscribed to the Fares Ksebati and MySwimPro YouTube channels so you don’t miss a thing!

That’s all for this month…keep an eye out for next month’s update for a peek into upcoming app features, marketing campaigns and more!

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