Is the MySwimPro app a good swim training option for triathletes? We asked elite triathletes Jenna and Miguel of Freestyle Tri to put the app to the test to find out!

Jenna and Miguel are former college swimmers and top age-group triathletes who share their triathlon training journey on their YouTube channel. During their final taper leading up to nationals, Jenna and Miguel tested out the MySwimPro app on Apple Watch when they couldn’t make it to their masters workout. Check out their MySwimPro review!

MySwimPro is great for any type of swimmer, even advanced swimmers like us!

What stood out most to Jenna and Miguel is the expert coaching and Workout of the Day in the MySwimPro app. Every workout includes goal times for each swim set and personalized intervals based on their individual swimming speed. All they had to do was choose a workout send it to their Apple Watch and hop in the pool!

When it comes to training specifically for a triathlon swim, they agreed that MySwimPro Coach is a great option for triathletes looking for extra guidance. No more endless, boring lap swimming!

A lot of triathletes don’t have direction to their swim workouts. MySwimPro Coach gives them that much-needed direction!

If you’re training for a triathlon, check out these MySwimPro Training Plans to help you get in shape for race day!

Follow Jenna and Miguel’s triathlon training journey on YouTube and Instagram! Save 20% on a MySwimPro Coach subscription with code FREESTYLETRI.

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